gathering recap — Blog | Midtown Fellowship: Downtown in Columbia, SC | Church in Columbia, South Carolina

gathering recap

Gathering Recap | 6/15/14


Just As I Am by The Modern Post

Before The Throne by The Modern Post

Take The World by Ascend The Hill

All My Hope by Hillsong

Nothing But The Blood by Citizens


Sermon Tweets

The desire to win drives an unbelievable amount of what men do.

However you define the win, men want to feel like they're winning.

The Bible is clear that men are to be directly, and not secondarily, involved in parenting.

Because Jesus is strong, you're free to be weak.

Men: your family doesn’t just need your money. They need you.

To reverse the masculinity problem in America, we need men who acknowledge their weakness, and in their weakness become strong.

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Gathering Recap | 6/8/14


The Word by Dispatch

Oh God by Dustin Kensure

Here's My Heart by David Crowder Band

Lead Me To The Cross by Hillsong United

Praise To The Lord by Citizens


Sermon Tweets

To know what a passage in the Bible is saying, it's helpful to know who it's being said to. 

You can make the Bible say most anything if you take it out of context. 

Sometimes the Bible is telling us what we should do, and sometimes it's telling us what happened. 

To understand a passage, pray, ask the Holy Spirit to teach you, and then confirm it in community. 

Community is vastly important to Bible interpretation. 

We don't worship the Bible–we worship the God of the Bible. 

It is possible (and wrong) to love the Bible more than you love Jesus. 

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Gathering Recap | 5/25/14

Here's the Gathering Recap from this past Sunday:


Just as I Am by The Modern Post Amazing Grace by Citizens How Great Thou Art (Original Arrangement) Come and Stand Amazed by Citizens Made Alive by Citizens

Sermon Tweets:

Prayer is not opposed to action–it's what makes our action effective.

God has ordained to do certain things only through the persistent, prevailing prayers of His people.

God's "no's" and "later's" are every bit as loving as His "yes's."

God uses prayer to teach us what we should pray.

When you stand before God the Father, you have a perfect prayer life because of Jesus.

Ask for everything, and let God sort it out. 

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Gathering Recap | 5/18/14

Here's the Gathering Recap from this past Sunday:


Grace Alone by Dustin Kensrue All Creatures by King’s Kaleidoscope How Deep the Father’s Love by Dispatch Till I See You by Hillsong United The Word by Dispatch

Sermon Tweets:

The basis of prayer is understanding God is your Father.

A mature person is a God-dependent person.

Almost every time Jesus commends someone for their faith, it's right after they ask Him for something.

Prayer is expressed helplessness.

We pray boldly for what we think is best, while trusting God to give what is best.

If God is our Father, we can trust Him even when we don't understand Him.

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Gathering Recap | 5/11/14

Here's the Gathering Recap from this past Sunday:


All Creatures by King's Kaleidoscope Just as I Am by The Modern Post (NEW) Like Incense/Sometimes by Step by Hillsong Be Thou My Vision by Ascend the Hill Come Thou Fount by King's Kaleidoscope

Sermon Tweets:

Mother’s Day is not enough to adequately show gratitude to moms for what they do.

Being a mom is too hard to rely on your own strength.

Jesus’ righteousness applies to all your performance, including your performance as a mom.

Your kids don’t need supermom, they need honest imperfect mom.

God is in control of your kid’s life so you don’t have to be.

Moms: you are free to be a daughter first and a mother second.

Moms need more than a Mother's Day card; they need to be reminded of the gospel.

Your kids need a savior, and that can’t be you.

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Gathering Recap | 5/4/14

Here's the Gathering recap from this past Sunday:


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Before the Throne

 by The Modern Post

Dear Refuge

 by Trinity Grace Church

Here's My Heart

 by Crowder

Grace Will Be My Song

 by Fee

Oh God

 by Dustin Kensrue

Sermon Tweets:

Spiritual life is not found deep within–it's found in someone outside ourselves.

It is possible to be in relationship with God and not be enjoying Him.

Your access to God is not based on the last time you read your bible.

Abiding is constantly finding ways to enjoy God's grace.

If you are in Christ, the Father loves you like He loves Jesus.

God's grace is opposed to earning, but it's not opposed to effort.

The Bread of Life is available to us; all that's asked is that we pick it up and eat it.

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Gathering Recap | 4/27/14

Here's the Gathering recap from this past Sunday:


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Grace Alone by Dustin Kensrue Jesus! by Citizens (original arrangement) Oh God by Citizens
You Never Let Go by Matt Redman I Will Exalt You by Hillsong Doxology (original arrangement)

Sermon Tweets:

Pain and suffering are mega-themes in the bible.

One of the most shocking things in Scripture is how often God brings joy through suffering.

Jesus was forsaken so that you and I would never have to be.

We don't measure God's goodness by circumstances. We measure God's goodness by the cross.

We may not be given individual answers to our suffering, but we are given a final answer.

We don't always know the reasons why we suffer, but we know it's not because God doesn't care.

Those that know and love Jesus will be healed–it's only a question of when.

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Gathering Recap | 4/13/14

Here's the Gathering recap from this past Sunday:


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The Word by Dispatch Christ is Risen by Joe Day (Different arrangement)
Jesus Paid it All by Kristian Stanfill Mystery by Charlie Hall Hail the King by Citizens

Sermon Tweets:

There aren't good people and bad people. There are bad people and Jesus. #glorythieves

True forgiveness is costly. It cost Jesus his life. #glorythieves

In the cross we see God's justice and God's mercy, all at once. #glorythieves

The most glorious being to ever exist became inglorious on the cross for us. #glorythieves

When we understand the nature of our sin, we should be confounded by His grace, not his justice. #glorythieves

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Gathering Recap | 4/6/14

Here's the Gathering recap from this past Sunday:


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How Deep the Father’s Love

 by Dispatch

Grace Alone

 by Dustin Kensrue

When I Survey

 by Page CXVI

Man of Sorrows

 by Hillsong Live

Sermon Tweets:

We like the idea of justice, but don't tend to like it when God practices it. #glorythieves

Jesus talks about hell more than any other biblical author. #glorythieves

Heaven isn't a place for people who are scared of hell. It's a place for people who love God. #glorythieves

Hell is the absence of all of God's goodness. #glorythieves

Hell is the conclusion of desiring life without God. #glorythieves

Hell shows us just how much God hates sin, and just how much He saved us from. #glorythieves

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Gathering Recap | 3/30/14

Here's the Gathering recap from this past Sunday:


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Made Alive

 by Citizens

Grace Alone

 by Dustin Kensrue

I Will Exalt You

 by Hillsong

The Word

 by Dispatch

Praise to the Lord

 by Citizens

Sermon Tweets:

God is not limited by space, time or raw materials. He is the most creative being to ever exist. #glorythieves

We have nothing to offer God that would put Him in our debt. #glorythieves

God has no need to barter. #glorythieves

God created us out of love, not out of neediness. #glorythieves

God is rightfully self-focused, because he's the only one infinitely worthy of being focused on. #glorythieves

If you get to say what God can and can't do, you've simply made yourself God. #glorythieves

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Gathering Recap | 3/23/14

Here's the Gathering recap from this past Sunday:


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Because Of Your Love by Phil Wickham
Hosanna by Hillsong United Nothing But The Blood by Citizens The Highest by Elevation Worship Kingdom Come by Elevation Worship

Sermon Tweets:

“We should live every moment of our lives with eternity in mind.”

“Being Christian by definition means we are sent out.”

“Church family on mission is more who we are than what we do.”

"Jesus' commission to us is not alone–it's accompanied by his tremendous promises."

"A life on mission with Jesus costs something, but it's worth far more than it costs."

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Gathering Recap | 3/16/14

Here's the Gathering recap from this past Sunday:


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Come Thou Fount by King's Kaleidoscope In Tenderness by Citizens Till I See You by Hillsong United Kingdom Come by Elevation Worship


In this week's sermon, we focused on God's call for us to be laborers who plant, and trust him to cause growth in his kingdom. We spent much of the sermon doing what Jesus commands us to do, which is pray earnestly for him to send laborers into the harvest.

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Gathering Recap | 3/9/14

Here's the Gathering recap from this past Sunday:


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The Solid Rock (Original Arrangement) Before the Throne by The Modern Post Be Thou My Vision by Ascend the Hill

Sermon Quotes:

"Hospitality creates the setting for a family on mission to exist."

"We welcome others because God welcomed us."

“Hospitality is more about an open life than an open home.”"

"True hospitality knows it has nothing to prove and everything to offer."

"Nobody becomes hospitable by accident."

"When it comes to hospitality, don't focus on what it costs–focus on what it's worth."

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Gathering Recap | 3/2/14

Here's the Gathering recap from this past Sunday:


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Amazing Grace by Citizens The Word by Dispatch None but Jesus by Hillsong Live Come and Stand Amazed by Citizens

Sermon Quotes:

"A mark of spiritual maturity is how patient we are with immature people."

"Bouncing around from church to church for years makes for a very immature Christian."

"The value of your church isn't in how much you get, but in how much you give."

"When everyone wants to receive, no one actually does. When everyone wants to give, everyone receives."

"It's one thing to love the idea of community. It's an entirely different thing to love the community you're in."

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Gathering Recap | 2/23/14

Here's the Gathering recap from this past Sunday:


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All Creatures by King’s Kaleidoscope The Word by Dispatch Hail the King by Citizens Jesus! by Citizens (Original Arrangement) Take The World, But Give Me Jesus by Ascend the Hill

Sermon Quotes:

"Jesus loves us right where we are, and refuses to let us stay there."

"The only way to think church is unnecessary is to not understand what church is."

“Church is not a building or need-meeting spiritual organization. It’s a people redeemed by Jesus for his mission.”

"Being on mission is not a solo sport."

“Ordinary does not mean insignificant.”

"God works through the spectacular, but He also works through the ordinary."

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Gathering Recap | 2/16/14

Here's the Gathering recap from this past Sunday:


To listen to the songs on Spotify, click the link:

Oh God by Dustin Kensrue Be Thou My Vision by Ascend the Hill All My Hope by Hillsong Live Jesus Paid it All by King's Kaleidoscope Man of Sorrows by Hillsong Live

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Sermon Quotes:

"All of us make decisions based on what we perceive will bring us the most joy."

"Following your heart is not a wise life philosophy."

"Our default state is to prove how righteous we are. God saves us from that."

"Sin is returning to our flesh and forsaking God. Repentance is forsaking sin and turning to God."

"A person's spiritual maturity is directly proportional to how quickly and often they repent."

"Repentance is turning to enjoy something you already possess."

"A healthy community is a repenting community."

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Gathering Recap | 2/9/14

Here's the Gathering recap from this past Sunday:


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The One Who Saves by Hillsong Live How Deep the Father’s Love by Dispatch Praise to the Lord by Citizens

Sermon Quotes:

"At times, kingdom of God values directly confront our American values."

"Life in God's kingdom means seeing everything through the lens of the gospel."

"You can't have true community if everyone's goal is their own interests."

"New stuff makes a bad savior."

"Most of us have more fans than friends. Fans cheer us on no matter how wrong we are; friends tell us the truth."

"The good news is that all of our sacrifice and lack of sacrifice is completely acceptable to God because of Jesus."

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Gathering Recap | 2/2/14

Here's the Gathering recap from this past Sunday:


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Made Alive by Citizens Come and Stand Amazed by Citizens In Tenderness by Citizens The Highest by Elevation Worship

Sermon Quotes:

"Everywhere in the world, our work earns our worth. Jesus gives us worth that motivates our work."

"Our truest selves are actually found in a relationship with our Creator."

"Most of us don't see ourselves as poor in spirit. We're more middle-class in spirit."

"Grace is good news to those who know they are a mess."

"It's just as easy to reject Jesus with your goodness as it is with your badness."

"Religious people and rebellious people both have the same problem: self-sufficiency."

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Gathering Recap | 1/26/14

Here's the Gathering recap from this past Sunday:


Before the Throne by The Modern Post When I Survey by Page CXVI The Solid Rock by E-Pop We Sing by Midtown Music Doxology (hymn)

Sermon in Tweets:

"God's method has always been a group of people who love Him and represent Him to the world around them."

"Our goal is not to change people's morals. Our goal is to introduce them to Jesus."

"The church is who you are, so you can't 'go to' there."

"We're saved as individuals, but we're saved into the Church."

"We're called to be different than the world, in the world, for the sake of the world."

"Church is not an addition to our schedule; it's something we are throughout our schedule."

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Gathering Recap | 1/19/14

Here's the Gathering recap from this past Sunday:


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Hail the King by Citizens Dear Refuge by Trinity Grace Church Lead Me to the Cross by Hillsong United Here's My Heart by Crowder I Surrender All by Ascend the Hill

Sermon Quotes:

"Every relational issue in our lives is a sin issue or an effect of sin."

"Religion makes us try to save ourselves. The gospel gives us a savior."

"Only the gospel can dig up the roots of sin."

"To be a Christian is to have Jesus at the core of all your happiness."

"Jesus gives us new lives and new hearts."

"Jesus fixes our relationship issues by solving our sin issues."

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