5/18/14 — Blog | Midtown Fellowship: Downtown in Columbia, SC | Church in Columbia, South Carolina


Gathering Recap | 5/18/14

Here's the Gathering Recap from this past Sunday:


Grace Alone by Dustin Kensrue All Creatures by King’s Kaleidoscope How Deep the Father’s Love by Dispatch Till I See You by Hillsong United The Word by Dispatch

Sermon Tweets:

The basis of prayer is understanding God is your Father. http://ow.ly/wSzLM

A mature person is a God-dependent person. http://ow.ly/wSzZQ

Almost every time Jesus commends someone for their faith, it's right after they ask Him for something. http://ow.ly/wSAep

Prayer is expressed helplessness. http://ow.ly/wSAqO

We pray boldly for what we think is best, while trusting God to give what is best. http://ow.ly/wSAC7

If God is our Father, we can trust Him even when we don't understand Him. http://ow.ly/wSALT

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