quotes — Blog | Midtown Fellowship: Downtown in Columbia, SC | Church in Columbia, South Carolina


Gathering Recap | 5/18/14

Here's the Gathering Recap from this past Sunday:


Grace Alone by Dustin Kensrue All Creatures by King’s Kaleidoscope How Deep the Father’s Love by Dispatch Till I See You by Hillsong United The Word by Dispatch

Sermon Tweets:

The basis of prayer is understanding God is your Father. http://ow.ly/wSzLM

A mature person is a God-dependent person. http://ow.ly/wSzZQ

Almost every time Jesus commends someone for their faith, it's right after they ask Him for something. http://ow.ly/wSAep

Prayer is expressed helplessness. http://ow.ly/wSAqO

We pray boldly for what we think is best, while trusting God to give what is best. http://ow.ly/wSAC7

If God is our Father, we can trust Him even when we don't understand Him. http://ow.ly/wSALT

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Gathering Recap | 2/16/14

Here's the Gathering recap from this past Sunday:


To listen to the songs on Spotify, click the link:

Oh God by Dustin Kensrue Be Thou My Vision by Ascend the Hill All My Hope by Hillsong Live Jesus Paid it All by King's Kaleidoscope Man of Sorrows by Hillsong Live

Shareable Images:

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Sermon Quotes:

"All of us make decisions based on what we perceive will bring us the most joy." http://ow.ly/tAWkH

"Following your heart is not a wise life philosophy." http://ow.ly/tAWkH

"Our default state is to prove how righteous we are. God saves us from that." http://ow.ly/tAXe7

"Sin is returning to our flesh and forsaking God. Repentance is forsaking sin and turning to God." http://ow.ly/tAXe7

"A person's spiritual maturity is directly proportional to how quickly and often they repent." http://ow.ly/tAY6Q

"Repentance is turning to enjoy something you already possess." http://ow.ly/tAYkF

"A healthy community is a repenting community." http://ow.ly/tAXe7

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