2/2/14 — Blog | Midtown Fellowship: Downtown in Columbia, SC | Church in Columbia, South Carolina


Gathering Recap | 2/9/14

Here's the Gathering recap from this past Sunday:


To listen to the songs on Spotify, click the link:

The One Who Saves by Hillsong Live How Deep the Father’s Love by Dispatch Praise to the Lord by Citizens

Sermon Quotes:

"At times, kingdom of God values directly confront our American values." http://ow.ly/tnUzk

"Life in God's kingdom means seeing everything through the lens of the gospel." http://ow.ly/tnUZs

"You can't have true community if everyone's goal is their own interests." http://ow.ly/tnVEj

"New stuff makes a bad savior." http://ow.ly/tnUZs

"Most of us have more fans than friends. Fans cheer us on no matter how wrong we are; friends tell us the truth." http://ow.ly/tnWhR

"The good news is that all of our sacrifice and lack of sacrifice is completely acceptable to God because of Jesus." http://ow.ly/tnXot

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