2/25/14 — Blog | Midtown Fellowship: Downtown in Columbia, SC | Church in Columbia, South Carolina


Gathering Recap | 5/25/14

Here's the Gathering Recap from this past Sunday:


Just as I Am by The Modern Post Amazing Grace by Citizens How Great Thou Art (Original Arrangement) Come and Stand Amazed by Citizens Made Alive by Citizens

Sermon Tweets:

Prayer is not opposed to action–it's what makes our action effective. ow.ly/xdQ7w

God has ordained to do certain things only through the persistent, prevailing prayers of His people. ow.ly/xdQc0

God's "no's" and "later's" are every bit as loving as His "yes's." ow.ly/xdQgi

God uses prayer to teach us what we should pray. ow.ly/xdQjh

When you stand before God the Father, you have a perfect prayer life because of Jesus. ow.ly/xdQmA

Ask for everything, and let God sort it out. ow.ly/xfc0i 

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