january 19 — Blog | Midtown Fellowship: Downtown in Columbia, SC | Church in Columbia, South Carolina

january 19

Gathering Recap | 1/19/14

Here's the Gathering recap from this past Sunday:


To listen to the songs on Spotify, click the link:

Hail the King by Citizens Dear Refuge by Trinity Grace Church Lead Me to the Cross by Hillsong United Here's My Heart by Crowder I Surrender All by Ascend the Hill

Sermon Quotes:

"Every relational issue in our lives is a sin issue or an effect of sin."

"Religion makes us try to save ourselves. The gospel gives us a savior."

"Only the gospel can dig up the roots of sin."

"To be a Christian is to have Jesus at the core of all your happiness."

"Jesus gives us new lives and new hearts."

"Jesus fixes our relationship issues by solving our sin issues."

[button label="Listen to the sermon" link="http://midtowncolumbia.com/sermons/?sermon_id=315" shape="default"]