1/26/14 — Blog | Midtown Fellowship: Downtown in Columbia, SC | Church in Columbia, South Carolina


Gathering Recap | 1/26/14

Here's the Gathering recap from this past Sunday:


Before the Throne by The Modern Post When I Survey by Page CXVI The Solid Rock by E-Pop We Sing by Midtown Music Doxology (hymn)

Sermon in Tweets:

"God's method has always been a group of people who love Him and represent Him to the world around them." http://ow.ly/sSyyh

"Our goal is not to change people's morals. Our goal is to introduce them to Jesus." http://ow.ly/sSyyh

"The church is who you are, so you can't 'go to' there." http://ow.ly/sSyyh

"We're saved as individuals, but we're saved into the Church." http://ow.ly/sSyyh

"We're called to be different than the world, in the world, for the sake of the world." http://ow.ly/sSyyh

"Church is not an addition to our schedule; it's something we are throughout our schedule." http://ow.ly/sSyyh

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