Blog | Midtown Fellowship: Downtown in Columbia, SC | Church in Columbia, South Carolina


Gathering Recap | Downtown | 10.19.14


Made Alive by Citizens

Out Of The Mud by Seeds Family Music

Psalm 18 by Citizens

Nothing But The Blood by Citizens

All I Have Is Christ by Summit Worship

Amazing Grace by Citizens


Sermon Tweets

Our external actions are inextricably tied to the condition of our hearts.

If we want our actions to change, we need a changed heart.

We don't just need more accountability; we need new hearts.

Difficult circumstances only reveal soul-level problems, not create them.

Families need the family of God to become better families.

Parenting is a community project.

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Gathering Recap | Downtown| 10.12.14


Dear Refuge Of My Wear Soul by Trinity Grace Church

10,000 Reasons by Matt Redman

I Will Exalt You by Hillsong

The Word by The Dispatch


Sermon Tweets

 Every time we see sin in others, it should be a reminder to examine ourselves first.

To be forgiven by God will invariably cause me to become a forgiving person.

In your relationships, you are either cultivating a gospel culture or a sinful culture.

There's a way to clearly state right and wrong without being a judgmental person.

Gospel humility is to be more aware of my own sin than I am of someone else's.

We have plenty of sin to be concerned about in our own lives.

Calling out sin in others is an easy diversion tactic to distract from our own sin.

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Gathering Recap | Downtown | 10.5.14


Come And Stand Amazed by Citizens

All I Have Is Christ by Sovereign Grace Music

Fix My Eyes by King's Kaleidoscope

Rock Of Ages by Page CXVI

Kingdom Come by Elevation


Sermon Tweets

 Just because some of us don't have enemies doesn't mean we don't have people who are difficult to love.

If Jesus says to love our's safe to assume that includes people who disagree with us.

If Jesus says to love our's safe to assume that includes people who annoy us.

If Jesus says to love our's safe to assume that includes people we don't have much in common with.

If Jesus says to love our's safe to assume that includes people who we think are immature.

At the core of Jesus’ call to love our enemies is the story of a God who died for His.

Jesus turned his enemies into friends and we're called to do the same.

Immaturity is living life in response to others. Maturity is living life in response to God.

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Gathering Recap | Downtown | 9.28.14


Oh God by Dustin Kensrue

Come And Stand Amazed by Citizens

Amazing Grace by Citizens

I Will Exalt You by Hillsong

Be Thou My Vision by Ascend The Hill


Sermon Tweets

Often, Jesus' value system is completely opposite of ours.

Blessed are those who have repented from their own self-sufficiency.

Jesus sets us free from rushing to all the temporary fixes in life.

Christianity is not empty positivism.

Those who are poor, hungry, hurting, and hated find it far easier to receive a savior.

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Gathering Recap | Downtown | 9.21.14


All I Have Is Christ by Sovereign Grace Music

Just As I Am by The Modern Post

Fix My Eyes by King's Kaleidoscope

All Things New by Elevation


Sermon Tweets

The question "what's in it for me?" can be cancerous to a community.

Community is possible only when you sometimes carry others and sometimes allow others to carry you.

If you insist that other people's problems are none of your business, you will never have deep relationships.

The root of discontentment is not our circumstances, but our separation from God.

Confession is the first act of faith.

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Gathering Recap | Downtown | 9.14.14


Just As I Am by The Modern Post

Nothing But The Blood by Citizens

Rock of Ages by Page CXVI

Man Of Sorrows by Hillsong

Sermon Tweets

Jesus' miracles don't just show his power; they show the purpose of his power.

Guilt comes from something wrong I did; shame comes from something wrong I believe I am.

Shame thrives on secrecy and silence, but dies in honesty and confession.

Jesus doesn't turn from you in your shame; he turns towards you.

Shame can't survive long in the light.

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Gathering Recap | Downtown | 9.7.14


Before The Throne by The Modern Post

Come Thou Fount by King's Kaleidoscope

Rock of Ages by Page CXVI

Praise To The Lord by Citizens

Take The World by Ascend The Hill

Sermon Tweets

If Jesus is who he says he is, there's nothing he can't ask of us.

Jesus has an uncanny tendency to choose underqualified people.

God's call to salvation is also his call to mission. If God saved you, he plans to send you.

Following Jesus is not a call to an easier life–it's a call to a meaningful life.

Jesus never calls us to anything harder than what he's already done for us.

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Gathering Recap | Downtown | 8/24/14


All Creatures by King's Kaleidoscope

The Solid Rock by The Dispatch

All I Have Is Christ by Sovereign Grace Music

In Tenderness by Citizens

Sermon Tweets

Jesus taught that we not only DO wrong things; we LOVE wrong things.

The power in a lie is that it doesn't have to be true to destroy you.

Living out of a false identity puts us in a constant state of earning.

Satan's go-to tactic is to put question marks in your life where God has put periods.

Satan's objective is to get you to doubt your identity in Christ.

Commands and rewards might change behavior, but only grace can change the heart.

Satan's only hope is to get you to forget about the cross.

Satan uses what you've done to condemn you. Jesus uses what He has done to redeem you.

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Gathering Recap | Downtown | 8/17/14


The Word by The Dispatch

Jesus! by Citizens

How Deep The Fathers Love For Us by The Dispatch

All I Have Is Christ by Sovereign Grace Music

The Solid Rock by The Dispatch

Sermon Tweets

Reciting a prayer doesn't make you a Christian. Jesus changing your heart does.

It is entirely possible to look like a Christian from the outside, and not actually be one.

Real repentance has real fruit.

Jesus is not an add-on; he's the King.

We don't get to tell Jesus what is off-limits in our lives.

Repentance, at its core, is changing what you trust in.

The gospel creates a new kind of obedience: obedience out of desire.

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Gathering Recap | Downtown | 8/10/14


The One Who Saves by Hillsong

All I have Is Christ by Sovereign Grace Music

Grace Alone by The Modern Post

I Will Exalt You by Hillsong

Fix My Eyes by Kings Kaleidoscope

Sermon Tweets

Punishment is being repaid for your sin; discipline is when God teaches you to say no to sin.

The reason we aren't happy isn't primarily due to disappointment. It's primarily because we're separated from God.

The best gift you can receive from God is God himself.

Don't confuse God's lesser gifts with His ultimate ones.

God's response to disappointment is to bring blessing.

You can blame the disappointment, blame yourself, blame God, or conclude that you're made for another world.

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Gathering Recap | Downtown | 8/3/14


Jesus! by Citizens

The Word by The Modern Post

When I Survey The Wondrous Cross by Page CXVI

Man Of Sorrows by Hillsong

Sermon Tweets

Faith is not contrary to good thinking.

We know Luke didn't intend his gospel to be metaphor because he says so.

Luke doesn't say we should believe his gospel because it's helpful; he says we should believe it because it's true.

The gospel is not just subjectively helpful; it's objectively true.

Before Christanity is good instruction, it's good news.

The point of Christianity isn't to remove all doubt, but to provide real help in the midst of it.

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Gathering Recap | Downtown | 7/27/14


The Solid Rock by The Dispatch

Made Alive by Citizens

10,000 Reasons by Kristian Stanfill

Fix My Eyes by King's Kaleidoscope


Sermon Tweets

Sometimes thankfulness comes naturally, and sometimes you have to fight for it.

The less thankfulness you practice, the more discontentment you'll experience.

Discontentment is contagious (Hebrews 12:15).

Discontentment, grumbling and complaining directly inhibit our ability to live lives on mission in our city.

Something is wrong when we are bored with seeing people come to know Jesus.

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Gathering Recap | Downtown | 7/20/14


Hail The King by Citizens

Praise To The Lord by Citizens

Fix My Eyes by King's Kaleidoscope

Before The Throne by The Modern Post

In Tenderness by Citizens


Sermon Tweets

Spiritual disciplines aren't what make God happy with you. In Christ, God is already supremely happy with you. 

Abiding is not about getting God to enjoy you. It's about you getting to enjoy more of God. 

Don't assume that feeling sorry about your sin is the same thing as killing it. 

There are morally neutral things in our lives that can fuel or kill our love for Jesus. 

Always be asking the question: what are things I can do that cultivate my love for Jesus? 

You have absolute assurance that God's best for your life is secure, because it's past news–not a future event. 

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Gathering Recap | Downtown | 6/13/14


Just As I Am by The Modern Post

Come And Stand Amazed by Citizens

All I Have Is Christ by Sovereign Grace Music

Fix My Eyes by King's Kaleidoscope

None But Jesus by Hillsong

Come Thou Fount by King's Kaleidoscope


Sermon Tweets

Abiding isn't a solo endeavor; it's a group project. 

You are the preacher you listen to the most. 

There's a certain power in a brother/sister preaching the gospel to you that isn't there when you preach to yourself. 

People in your life can frequently see you better than you see yourself. 

The people you naturally like the least are often the most important to your sanctification. 

We have a tendency to avoid the people that expose weaknesses in us. 

Our faith is a deeply personal faith, but it isn't a private faith. 

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Gathering Recap | Downtown | 7/6/14


How Deep The Father's Love For Us by The Dispatch

10,000 Reasons (Bless The Lord) by  Matt Redman

Just As I Am by The Modern Post

Jesus Pait It All by Kristian Stanfil

Hail The King by Citizens

Sermon Tweets

Jesus didn't serve so that people would serve him. He served because he was a servant. 

Authority is often given to be in charge. For Jesus, authority is given to serve others. 

When we serve, we abide in Jesus, because Jesus himself was a servant. 

We often feel most alive when we're serving because we are identifying with Jesus. 

The mark of a servant is often how we respond when we're treated like one. 

If you're serving to get noticed, you're not really serving. 

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Gathering Recap | Downtown | 6/29/14


The Word by The Dispatch

Grace Alone by The Modern Post

Hail The King by Citizens

Be Thou My Vision by Ascend The Hill

All Creatures by King's Kaleidoscope

Sermon Tweets

Fasting is physically reminding ourselves of what is true of our souls: that we need Jesus above all else. 

We don't fast because food is bad; we fast because Jesus is best. 

Fasting reminds us that we are not simply the sum of our desires. 

The goal of fasting is that we would more fully realize our need for Jesus. 

When I'm fasting, I'm forced to remember I need Jesus more than I need other things. 

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Gathering Recap | 6/22/14


Christ Is Risen by Mars Hill Music

Grace Will Be My Song by Steve Fee

How Great Thou Art (Original Arrangement)

The Highest by Elevation


Sermon Tweets

God designed our bodies in such a way that rest is a necessity. 

Sabbathing fights performancism. 

Sabbath is saying 'I will not be defined by the work of my hands, but by the work of God's hands.' 

So much of the time, we don't rest because we struggle to believe the gospel. 

Rest creates worship; Laziness creates apathy. 

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Gathering Recap | 6/15/14


Just As I Am by The Modern Post

Before The Throne by The Modern Post

Take The World by Ascend The Hill

All My Hope by Hillsong

Nothing But The Blood by Citizens


Sermon Tweets

The desire to win drives an unbelievable amount of what men do.

However you define the win, men want to feel like they're winning.

The Bible is clear that men are to be directly, and not secondarily, involved in parenting.

Because Jesus is strong, you're free to be weak.

Men: your family doesn’t just need your money. They need you.

To reverse the masculinity problem in America, we need men who acknowledge their weakness, and in their weakness become strong.

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Gathering Recap | 6/8/14


The Word by Dispatch

Oh God by Dustin Kensure

Here's My Heart by David Crowder Band

Lead Me To The Cross by Hillsong United

Praise To The Lord by Citizens


Sermon Tweets

To know what a passage in the Bible is saying, it's helpful to know who it's being said to. 

You can make the Bible say most anything if you take it out of context. 

Sometimes the Bible is telling us what we should do, and sometimes it's telling us what happened. 

To understand a passage, pray, ask the Holy Spirit to teach you, and then confirm it in community. 

Community is vastly important to Bible interpretation. 

We don't worship the Bible–we worship the God of the Bible. 

It is possible (and wrong) to love the Bible more than you love Jesus. 

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Gathering Recap | 5/18/14

Here's the Gathering Recap from this past Sunday:


Grace Alone by Dustin Kensrue All Creatures by King’s Kaleidoscope How Deep the Father’s Love by Dispatch Till I See You by Hillsong United The Word by Dispatch

Sermon Tweets:

The basis of prayer is understanding God is your Father.

A mature person is a God-dependent person.

Almost every time Jesus commends someone for their faith, it's right after they ask Him for something.

Prayer is expressed helplessness.

We pray boldly for what we think is best, while trusting God to give what is best.

If God is our Father, we can trust Him even when we don't understand Him.

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