Sermon by Jon Ludovina on February 2, 2025.
Key scripture: James 1:13-18
This week, James will help us fight sin in our lives by showing us the nature of sin and the perspective to resist it.
Sermon by Jon Ludovina on February 2, 2025.
Key scripture: James 1:13-18
This week, James will help us fight sin in our lives by showing us the nature of sin and the perspective to resist it.
Sermon by Adam Gibson on January 26, 2025.
Key scripture: James 1:1-12
To faithfully follow Jesus, our faith must be marked by action. Our belief should lead us into good works and obedience. In the book of James, we are challenged by the brother of Jesus to examine the authenticity of our faith and to ensure that it fills each area of our everyday lives.
Sermon by Jon Ludovina on January 19, 2025.
Key scripture: 1 John 4:7-14
As we wrap our series, we look at the last piece of our vision as a church: to know and love our neighbors. This week, we look at how loving God and our church family moves us to go out, build friendships, invite others in, and tell them about Jesus.
Sermon by Jon Ludovina on January 12, 2025.
Last week, we explored the most important thing about us: our vertical relationship with God. This week, we look into how that impacts our horizontal relationships with others and what challenges we often face, as followers of Jesus, from experiencing meaningful community.
Sermon by Jake Blair on January 5, 2025.
“Known and loved.” That’s a powerful phrase.
At some level, all of us are looking for places in life where we feel known and loved. Some of us have that, and some of us don’t. Others of us are looking for that in family, romance, friendships, or any number of things - and have felt hurt or betrayed in the process.
And yet, the beauty of Scripture says this is what Jesus offers us when we follow Him.
For this series, we’ll spend three weeks looking at how Scripture calls us to be known and loved by God, known and loved by each other, and making Jesus’ love known to our neighbors.
Sermon by Jon Ludovina on December 22, 2024.
As we end our Advent series and Year of Biblical Literacy, we look at the final chapters of Revelation and the ultimate hope that’s given for those in Christ.
The Bible is one of the most influential books ever written. It’s the most studied, most scrutinized, most debated, and, for many, the most life-changing book the world has ever known.
But…it’s complex.
So we’re taking an entire year to grow our ability to read and understand the message of the whole Bible.
We’re calling it a “Year of Biblical Literacy.”
Sermon by Jake Blair on December 15, 2024.
Last week, we examined the spiritual war in the spiritual realm and how Jesus’ birth brought about Satan’s defeat. This week, we continue to explore how, through Jesus, we can live into that victory.
There may be no other text in the Bible where people ask the most questions than Revelation 13. And yet, if all of Scripture means to help us, and this book means to bless us, how do we make sense of the beast, the number 666, and most importantly, how does this chapter help us endure as followers of Jesus?
The Bible is one of the most influential books ever written. It’s the most studied, most scrutinized, most debated, and, for many, the most life-changing book the world has ever known.
But…it’s complex.
So we’re taking an entire year to grow our ability to read and understand the message of the whole Bible.
We’re calling it a “Year of Biblical Literacy.”
Sermon by Jake Blair on December 8, 2024.
This week, we look at Revelation 12. While this passage seems strange and confusing at first glance, we'll see the author "pulling the curtain back" to show us the cosmic battle taking place and how, ultimately, Jesus wins.
The Bible is one of the most influential books ever written. It’s the most studied, most scrutinized, most debated, and, for many, the most life-changing book the world has ever known.
But…it’s complex.
So we’re taking an entire year to grow our ability to read and understand the message of the whole Bible.
We’re calling it a “Year of Biblical Literacy.”
Sermon by Jon Ludovina on December 1, 2024.
In our first sermon in our study of Revelation, we look at the beginning of the letter and discuss how to think well about apocalyptic literature in Scripture. During this Advent season we will be blessed by remembering the first arrival of Christ while longing for his second.
The Bible is one of the most influential books ever written. It’s the most studied, most scrutinized, most debated, and, for many, the most life-changing book the world has ever known.
But…it’s complex.
So we’re taking an entire year to grow our ability to read and understand the message of the whole Bible.
We’re calling it a “Year of Biblical Literacy.”
Sermon by Jon Ludovina on November 24, 2024.
Before wrapping up our Year of Biblical Literacy with a series on the book of Revelation, this week we zoom out and look at our reasons for doing this initiative, and the fruit we pray comes as a result. We will see that in the midst of our chaotic lives and the many distractions of modern life, God’s Word offers us a beautiful invitation.
Sermon by Jake Blair on November 10, 2024.
The book of Hebrews concludes by pulling on one final Old Testament thread: the Kingdom of God. Through Jesus, His church is called to embody Heaven on Earth as we live in this already-not-yet tension. So, what does that look like for us? How can we experience more of His Kingdom in our lives, in our community, and in our world?
In response to this week’s sermon, here are some practical next steps:
Sermon by Jon Ludovina on November 3, 2024.
How would you define "faith"? That word is so foundational to following Jesus that it can easily sound like white noise, losing its power and meaning. This week, we look at Hebrews 11 to clarify what that means and how it enables us to endure whatever we face.
This series is part of our Year of Biblical Literacy initiative.
Sermon by Jon Ludovina on October 27, 2024.
Last week, we taught that Jesus is our perfect priest, tabernacle, and sacrifice. In light of that, this week in Hebrews 10, the author says how to put that into practice. How do we help each other persevere and keep one another from falling away?
This series is part of our Year of Biblical Literacy initiative.
Sermon by Jake Blair on October 20, 2024.
This week, we look at one of the most foundational concepts in the Old Testament: the temple, the priests, and the sacrifice. While these might sound strange and foreign in our present-day culture, we'll learn why they matter to us and what they tell us about following Jesus.
This series is part of our Year of Biblical Literacy initiative.
Sermon by Jon Ludovina on October 13, 2024.
This week, we look at Hebrews 3:7-19 which includes a repeated call from an Old Testament story: "Today, if you hear his voice, do not harden your hearts as in the rebellion." What is the nature of that rebellion, and how is hardening your heart spiritually dangerous? How can we guard our hearts from the deceitfulness of sin?
This series is part of our Year of Biblical Literacy initiative.
Sermon by Jake Blair on October 6, 2024.
This week, we look at Hebrews 3. In this chapter, the author focuses on one of the most towering figures of the Old Testament, Moses, and how, as great as he is, he ultimately falls short. So how is Jesus better than Moses, and what does this mean for us as followers of Jesus?
This series is part of our Year of Biblical Literacy initiative.
Sermon by Jake Blair on September 29, 2024.
We began our new series last week discussing how Hebrews cites hundreds of Old Testament stories, characters, and ideas that all culminate in the person of Jesus. This week, as we look at Hebrews 1-2, the author cites an Old Testament concept that, although it may be foreign to us, is profoundly significant to understanding who Jesus is.
This series is part of our Year of Biblical Literacy initiative.
Sermon by Jake Blair on September 22, 2024.
Near the tail end of our Year of Biblical Literacy, we come to the rich, dense book of Hebrews. It’s full of callbacks and history, threads pulled from all across the Old Testament. The author assumes intimate knowledge of the old covenant –the sacrificial system, the tabernacle, the promised land–and then shows that they were incomplete, only “copies and shadows.”
Each is an arrow pointing to Christ, who himself becomes the mediator of the new covenant–the perfect high priest, the meeting place between God and man, the source of eternal rest for those united to him.
This series is part of our Year of Biblical Literacy initiative.
Sermon by Jon Ludovina on September 15, 2024.
This week, we look at Mark 9:33-37 and how Jesus redefines greatness for his disciples. So, what does being great in the kingdom of God look like, and how can we experience that now?
This series is part of our Year of Biblical Literacy initiative.
Sermon by Jon Ludovina on September 8, 2024.
This week focuses on the story of the rich young ruler from Luke 18:18-29 and how he, though he had nearly everything in this life, couldn’t experience Jesus’ kingdom. So what might be keeping you from experiencing Jesus’ kingdom? What idols might have their hold on you?
This series is part of our Year of Biblical Literacy initiative.