Joy — Sermons | Midtown Fellowship: Downtown in Columbia, SC | Church in Columbia, South Carolina


Advent | Love | December 17

Sermon by Jon Ludovina on December 17, 2023.

Advent is Latin for "adventus," meaning "arrival," where we celebrate the arrival of Jesus over 2,000 years ago with the global, historic Church. For each week of the Advent season, we look at one thing Jesus has made possible for us through His birth. This week, we look at Love.

Advent | Love | December 17
Jon Ludovina

Advent | Joy | December 10

Sermon by Jon Ludovina on December 10, 2023.

Advent is Latin for "adventus," meaning "arrival," where we celebrate the arrival of Jesus over 2,000 years ago with the global, historic Church. For each week of the Advent season, we look at one thing Jesus has made possible for us through His birth. This week, we look at Joy.

Advent | Joy | December 10
Jon Ludovina

Advent | Peace | December 3

Sermon by Jake Blair on December 3, 2023.

Advent is Latin for "adventus," meaning "arrival," where we celebrate the arrival of Jesus over 2,000 years ago with the global, historic Church. For each week of the Advent season, we look at one thing Jesus has made possible for us through His birth. This week, we look at Peace.

Advent | Peace | December 3
Jake Blair

Advent | Hope | November 26

Sermon by Jake Blair on November 26, 2023.

Advent is Latin for "adventus," meaning "arrival," where we celebrate the arrival of Jesus over 2,000 years ago with the global, historic Church. For each week of the Advent season, we look at one thing Jesus has made possible for us through His birth. This week, we look at Hope.

Advent | Hope | November 26
Jake Blair

Fruit of the Spirit | Self-Control in a time of Self-Fulfillment | August 7

Sermon by Adam Gibson on August 7, 2022.

As we wrap up our series, we look at the final fruit of the Spirit: self-control. How do we live this when our world sees self-control as repressive or, at the very least, something we don’t want to emphasize in our lives?

Fruit of the Spirit | Self-Control in a time of Self-Fulfillment | August 7
Adam Gibson

Additional Resources

Fruit of the Spirit | Joy in a Time of Cynicism | July 31

Sermon by Tim Olsen on July 31, 2022.

When our expectations don’t line up with reality, we can often it meet it with cynicism or naïveté. So how can we become people of joy no matter what life throws our way?

Fruit of the Spirit | Joy in a Time of Cynicism | July 31
Tim Olson

Fruit of the Spirit | Gentleness in a Time of Harshness | July 24

Sermon by Ant Frederick on July 24, 2022.

We live in an age where often times, the more forcefully and bluntly you state how you feel about an issue, the more you’re celebrated by those who hold the same beliefs as you. So for us, how can we press into the fruit of gentleness in an age where harshness is seen as virtue?

Fruit of the Spirit | Gentleness in a Time of Harshness | July 24
Ant Frederick

Fruit of the Spirit | Goodness in a Time of Brokenness | July 17

Sermon by Michael Bailey on July 17, 2022.

“To live according to the purpose you were created for,” this is goodness. "When all is as it should be," this is the fruit of the Spirit we’re looking at this week. But how do we know what we’re created for, especially when there is so much confusion around this?

Fruit of the Spirit | Goodness in a Time of Brokenness | July 17
Michael Bailey

Fruit of the Spirit | Faithfulness in a Time of Compromise | July 10

Sermon by Jake Blair on July 10, 2022.

This week we look at the fruit of faithfulness and how God’s faithfulness towards us is meant to move us towards faithfulness to Him and others. But in an age of continual compromise, how do we as followers of Jesus fight to live this out?

Fruit of the Spirit | Faithfulness in a Time of Compromise | July 10
Jake Blair

Fruit of the Spirit | Kindness in a Time of Polarization | July 3

Sermon by Michael Bailey on July 3, 2022.

From Mr. Rogers to Ted Lasso, we love seeing snapshots of kindness. But what does this fruit of the Spirit actually mean? And how can we access radical kindness in a world that so desperately needs it?

Fruit of the Spirit | Kindness in a Time of Polarization | July 3
Michael Bailey

Fruit of the Spirit | Peace in a Time of Anxiety | June 26

Sermon by Brandon Clements on June 26, 2022.

When the Bible talks about “peace” what exactly does that mean? Is it the absence of hard circumstances or something deeper? In today’s sermon we’ll explore biblical peace and how it’s meant to anchor us even in the worst of situations.

Fruit of the Spirit | Peace in a Time of Anxiety | June 26
Brandon Clements

Fruit of the Spirit | Patience in a Time of Irritability | June 19

Sermon by Allen Tipping on June 19, 2022.

In our culture, we can easily be a people of reactivity, impulsivity, and immediacy. We want it all and we want it now. But in this weeks sermon, we see that God is patient. His patience for us creates time and space for growth, maturity, change, and redemption. And by the Spirit, we can exhibit that same attitude towards others.

Fruit of the Spirit | Patience in a Time of Irritability | June 19
Allen Tipping

Fruit of the Spirit | Love in a Time of Self-Interest | June 12

Sermon by Jake Blair on June 12, 2022.

For this series we’re taking nine weeks to walk through the Fruit of the Spirit we are called to cultivate, as we examine the life and teachings of Jesus and how the Fruit of the Spirit was evident in His life.

Fruit of the Spirit | Love in a Time of Self-Interest | June 12
Jake Blair

Midweek Podcast | Gratitude, Contentment, and Being in the Mission Together

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This week we’re with pastor Kent Bateman from City Church ( to talk more about this week’s sermon.

Questions? Comments? Favorite local spot to check out? Send us an email.

Midweek Podcast | Gratitude, Contentment, and Being in the Mission Together
Jake Blair, Melissa Fennell, and Kent Bateman

Knoxville Local Spotlight:

Resources Mentioned:

Audio engineering by Andrew Miles

Philippians | How To Be Content | July 25


Sermon by Kent Bateman on July 25, 2021.

In Philippians 4:10-20, Paul concludes his letter with gratitude to the Philippian church. They came to his aid when he needed it the most. As he wraps up, two themes rise to the top: the secret of contentment and the blessing of giving.

Philippians | How to be Content | July 25
Kent Bateman
Midweek Podcast | Gratitude, Contentment, and Being in the Mission Together
Jake Blair, Melissa Fennell, and Kent Bateman

Midweek Podcast | Resources on Neuroplasticity + New Segment!

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This week we’re with pastor Brandon Clements to talk more about this week’s sermon.

Questions? Comments? Favorite local spot to check out? Send us an email.

Midweek Podcast | Resources on Neuroplasticity + New Segment!
Jake Blair, Melissa Fennell, and Brandon Clements

Columbia You’d Rather Be Here Local Spotlight:

Resources Mentioned:

Quotes Mentioned:

The mind can descend far lower than the body, for in it there are bottomless pits. The flesh can bear only a certain number of wounds and no more, but the soul can bleed in ten thousand ways, and die over and over again each hour.

-Charles Spurgeon

Audio engineering by Andrew Miles

Philippians | The Skillful Management of Attention | July 18


Sermon by Jake Blair for July 18, 2021.

While we aren’t in total control of our circumstance, we have within us the ability to cultivate the type of people we want to become. So how do we do that? In Philippians 4:8-9, Paul shows us in practical ways how we can anchor joy down into our bones.

Philippians | The Skillful Management of Attention | July 18
Jake Blair
Midweek Podcast | Resources on Neuroplasticity + New Segment!
Jake Blair, Melissa Fennell, and Brandon Clements

Midweek Podcast | Doomscrolling, Self-Help, and the Buoyancy of Joy

Fill out this 30 second survey! -

This week we’re with Andrew Flowers to talk more about this week’s sermon.

Questions? Comments? Favorite local spot to check out? Send us an email.

Midweek Podcast | Doomscrolling, Self-Help, and the Buoyancy of Joy
Jake Blair, Melissa Fennell, and Andrew Flowers

Columbia You’d Rather Be Here Local Spotlight:

Resources Mentioned:

Audio engineering by Andrew Miles

Philippians | An Unsinkable Joy | July 11


Sermon by Allen Tipping for July 11, 2021.

Philippians 4:6-7 states to "Rejoice always. Don’t be anxious about anything." A verse like this oftentimes is posted to social media feeds in an artsy graphic as it seems like good advice for our virtual world. Yet beyond the screen, applying this scripture to the realities of life can sometimes seem impossible or at least incredibly difficult. In today's sermon, we learn how to put this into practice and make it possible to live by.

Philippians | An Unsinkable Joy | July 11
Allen Tipping
Midweek Podcast | Doomscrolling, Self-Help, and the Buoyancy of Joy
Jake Blair, Melissa Fennell, and Andrew Flowers

Midweek Podcast | Jesus is The Gaines

This week we’re with pastor Allen Tipping to talk more about this week’s sermon.

Questions? Comments? Favorite local spot to check out? Send us an email.

Midweek Podcast | Jesus is The Gaines
Jake Blair, Melissa Fennell, and Allen Tipping

Columbia You’d Rather Be Here Local Spotlight:

Resources and Quote Mentioned:

"The cross of Christ is sometimes put in Scripture for the life which is the result of faith in Christ. What kind of life should that be? Well, first, a life of self-denial. No man who is the friend of the cross of Christ will give license to his passions, or indulgence to his appetites. If he does so, he proves that he is the enemy of the cross of Christ.”

-Charles Spurgeon

Audio engineering by Andrew Miles