10 Commandments — Sermons | Midtown Fellowship: Downtown in Columbia, SC | Church in Columbia, South Carolina

10 Commandments

Midweek Podcast | The Q + A Episode!

This week we’re with Pastors Brandon Clements AND Michael Bailey from Midtown Lexington to discuss your questions!

Midweek Podcast | The Q + A Episode!
Jake Blair, Melissa Fennell, Michael Bailey, and Brandon Clements

Columbia “You’d Rather Be Here” Local Spotlight:

  • Mediterranean Tea Room

  • The Whig

  • Sorinex

Resources Mentioned:

Audio engineering by Andrew Miles

For Our Good Always | You Shall Not Covet | November 14

Sermon by Jake Blair on November 14, 2021.

As we wrap up our series on the Ten Commandments, the final command says, “Do not covet.” According to this command, coveting is ultimately rooted in misplaced desire. The call was to therefore curb your desires in such a way to find your provision in God alone. But as you will see, in our culture we don’t really have a category for this. Desires are to be celebrated not tamed. So what do we do with this?

FOGA | You Shall Not Covet | November 14
Jake Blair
Midweek Podcast | The Q + A Episode!
Jake Blair, Melissa Fennell, Michael Bailey, and Brandon Clements

Midweek Podcast | Macro-Lies, Disinformation, and (more) Ted Lasso

This week we’re with Pastor Brandon Clements from Midtown Lexington to talk more about this week’s sermon.

Questions? Local spotlights? Thoughts about our corporate practice? Just want to say hi? Fill out this form, we’d love to hear from you! Fill out this form

Midweek Podcast | Macro-Lies, Disinformation, and (more) Ted Lasso
Jake Blair, Melissa Fennell, and Brandon Clements

Columbia “You’d Rather Be Here” Local Spotlight:

Resources Mentioned:

Audio engineering by Andrew Miles

For Our Good Always | You Shall Not Bear False Witness Against Your Neighbor | November 7

Sermon by Jake Blair on November 7, 2021.

In this week’s teaching, we explore the 9th commandment, “You shall not bear false witness.” “Bearing false witness” means to tell a story about someone that isn’t true; you act as a witness to their behavior or character and do it in a way that doesn’t line up with reality. This subject is more complicated than you might think. It’s possible to bear false witness knowingly or even unknowingly.

FOGA | You Shall Not Bear False Witness Against Your Neighbor | November 7
Jake Blair
Midweek Podcast | Macro-Lies, Disinformation, and (more) Ted Lasso
Jake Blair, Melissa Fennell, and Brandon Clements

Midweek Podcast | More on Stealing + Generosity Resources

This week we’re with Pastor Brandon Clements from Midtown Lexington to talk more about this week’s sermon.

Questions? Local spotlights? Thoughts about our corporate practice? Just want to say hi? Fill out this form, we’d love to hear from you! Fill out this form

Midweek Podcast | More on Stealing + Generosity Resources
Jake Blair, Melissa Fennell, and Brandon Clements

For Our Good Always | You Shall Not Steal | October 31

Sermon by Jake Blair on October 31, 2021.

In the eighth commandment, we see the call to not steal is also a call towards generosity. Because God has given abundantly to us, we in turn can give abundantly to others.

FOGA | You Shall Not Steal | October 31
Jake Blair
Midweek Podcast | More on Stealing + Generosity Resources
Jake Blair, Melissa Fennell, and Brandon Clements

Midweek Podcast | More on Marriage and “What about…?”

This week we’re with Pastor Michael Bailey from Midtown Lexington to talk more about this week’s sermon.

Questions? Comments? Just want to say hi? Fill out this form, we’d love to hear from you!

Midweek Podcast | More on Marriage and “What about…?”
Jake Blair, Melissa Fennell, and Michael Bailey

Columbia “You’d Rather Be Here” Local Spotlight:

Resources Mentioned:

Audio engineering by Andrew Miles

For Our Good Always | You Shall Not Commit Adultery | October 24

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Sermon by Adam Gibson on October 24, 2021.

In the seventh commandment, we see that Jesus is ultimately after our hearts. He commands us to not commit adultery, but also to not do anything that might distort God’s covenant love towards us. Our call then is to love our spouse because it says something about God’s character.

FOGA | You Shall Not Commit Adultery | October 24
Adam Gibson
Midweek Podcast | More on Marriage and "What about...?"
Jake Blair, Melissa Fennell, and Michael Bailey

Midweek Podcast | "What about...?"

This week we’re with Pastor Adam Gibson from Midtown Downtown to talk more about this week’s sermon.

Questions? Comments? Just want to say hi? Fill out this form, we’d love to hear from you!

Midweek Podcast | "What about...?"
Jake Blair, Melissa Fennell, and Adam Gibson

Columbia “You’d Rather Be Here” Local Spotlight:

Resources Mentioned:

Audio engineering by Andrew Miles

For Our Good Always | You Shall Not Murder | October 17

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Sermon by Adam Gibson on October 17, 2021.

Because God made human beings in His image, all human life has tremendous dignity, value and worth. In light of the sixth commandment, our call as followers of Jesus is not just to “do not murder” but to protect life no matter what it costs us.

FOGA | You Shall Not Murder | October 17
Adam Gibson
Midweek Podcast | "What about...?"
Jake Blair, Melissa Fennell, and Adam Gibson

Midweek Podcast | Family as Character Formation

This week we’re with Pastor Brandon Clements from Midtown Lexington to talk more about this week’s sermon.

Questions? Comments? Just want to say hi? Fill out this form, we’d love to hear from you!

Midweek Podcast | Family as Character Formation
Jake Blair, Melissa Fennell, and Brandon Clements

Columbia “You’d Rather Be Here” Local Spotlight:

Resources Mentioned:

Audio engineering by Andrew Miles

For Our Good Always | Honor Your Father & Mother | October 10

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Sermon by Adam Gibson on October 10, 2021.

Learning how to submit to authority and be a part of a group bigger than us is for our good, and the nuclear family is one such structure God put in place to teach us to respect authority. Honoring our parents becomes the “training wheels” to learn how to honor those over us, and most especially, helps us learn how to honor God.

FOGA | Honor Your Father & Mother | October 10
Adam Gibson
Midweek Podcast | Family as Character Formation
Jake Blair, Melissa Fennell, and Brandon Clements

Midweek Podcast | The Sabbath Episode

*Apologies for sound quality this week, we’ll make sure to get it fixed for next time*

This week we’re with Pastor Brandon Clements from Midtown Lexington to talk more about this week’s sermon.

Questions? Comments? Just want to say hi? Fill out this form, we’d love to hear from you!

Midweek Podcast | The Sabbath Episode
Jake Blair, Melissa Fennell, and Brandon Clements

Columbia “You’d Rather Be Here” Local Spotlight:

Resources Mentioned:

Audio engineering by Andrew Miles

For Our Good Always | Observe the Sabbath and Keep it Holy | October 3


Sermon by Jake Blair on October 3, 2021.

Through commandment four, God gives us a picture of His holiness, and a reminder that we can’t save ourselves: The Sabbath. The Sabbath is our call to stop once a week, to rest, and enjoy God. While we often think this is good for our own health, this commandment holds a communal aspect to it. Individuals keeping the Sabbath is for the good and the health of the group.

FOGA | Observe the Sabbath and Keep it Holy | October 3
Jake Blair
Midweek Podcast | The Sabbath Episode
Jake Blair, Melissa Fennell, and Brandon Clements

Midweek Podcast | What's in a Name?

This week we’re with Pastor Allen Tipping from Midtown Downtown to talk more about this week’s sermon. Plus...a mystery guest?!

Questions? Comments? Just want to say hi? Fill out this form, we’d love to hear from you!

Midweek Podcast | What's in a Name?
Jake Blair, Melissa Fennell, and Allen Tipping

Columbia “You’d Rather Be Here” Local Spotlight:

Resources Mentioned:

Audio engineering by Andrew Miles

For Our Good Always | You Shall Not Take the Name of the Lord Your God in Vain | September 26

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Sermon by Allen Tipping on September 26, 2021.

The way we think about and speak about God is designed to reflect His holiness and defaming Him through our speech brings harm. Yet for many modern people, it’s probably fascinating that this would be one of the 10 most important commands. Commandment three is but another reminder that God takes His holiness and His name seriously.

FOGA | You Shall Not Take the Name of the Lord Your God in Vain | September 26
Allen Tipping
Midweek Podcast | What's in a Name?
Jake Blair, Melissa Fennell, and Allen Tipping

Midweek Podcast | Sabbathing with Kids + The Inverse of Worship

This week we’re with Pastor Michael Bailey from Midtown Lexington to talk more about this week’s sermon.

Questions? Comments? Just want to say hi? Fill out this form, we’d love to hear from you!

Midweek Podcast | Sabbathing with Kids + The Inverse of Worship
Jake Blair, Melissa Fennell, and Michael Bailey

Columbia “You’d Rather Be Here” Local Spotlight:

Resources Mentioned:

Audio engineering by Andrew Miles

For Our Good Always | You Shall Not Make Idols | September 19

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Sermon by Jake Blair on September 19, 2021.

This week we look at the second commandment, “You shall not make images of God.” Now to our modern ears, this command sounds strange. However, in Deuteronomy 5, Romans 1, and Colossians 1, we see “image making” as describing something universal to the human condition. Ultimately, we need a better image of God and His name is Jesus.

FOGA | You Shall Not Make Idols | September 19
Jake Blair
Midweek Podcast | Sabbathing with Kids + The Inverse of Worship
Jake Blair, Melissa Fennell, and Michael Bailey

Midweek Podcast | The Heart is an Idol Factory + New Corporate Practice

This week we’re with pastor Michael Bailey from Midtown Lexington to talk more about this week’s sermon. Plus, the return of listener Scott.

Questions? Comments? Just want to say hi? Fill out this form, we’d love to hear from you!

Midweek Podcast | The Heart is an Idol Factory + New Corporate Practice
Jake Blair, Melissa Fennell, and Michael Bailey

Columbia “You’d Rather Be Here” Local Spotlight:

Resources Mentioned:

Audio engineering by Andrew Miles

For Our Good Always | You Shall Have No Other Gods Before Me | September 12

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Sermon by Adam Gibson on September 12, 2021.

The Israelites spent 430 years in circumstances that normalized the worship and service of different gods. This week we’ll look at the first commandment in Deuteronomy 5 where God gives His people a marker to look back and show them that He is the one true God. No one and no thing come before Him.

FOGA | You Shall Have No Other Gods Before Me | September 12
Adam Gibson
Midweek Podcast | The Heart is an Idol Factory + New Corporate Practice
Jake Blair, Melissa Fennell, and Michael Bailey