Stand-Alone | The Parable of the Wonderful Father | June 18 | Midtown Fellowship: Downtown in Columbia, SC | Church in Columbia, South Carolina

Stand-Alone | The Parable of the Wonderful Father | June 18

Sermon by Ryan Rike on June 18, 2023.

In Luke 15, we find one of Jesus' most famous teachings. It is often called "the Parable of the Prodigal Son" or "the Parable of the Two Sons." While the two siblings have much to teach us, perhaps we are also invited to understand this passage through a different lens: the Parable of the Wonderful Father. In this passage, Jesus radically upends what many believe God is like and invites us to recapture the wonder of His love and grace.

Stand-Alone | The Parable of the Wonderful Father | June 18
Ryan Rike