A Fix-a-Flat for our Broken Finances


The following post is part of our Treasure Hunting series. Find out more about our Treasure Hunting series



On one of the worst days of my life, I made a terrible error by seeking relief at a doc-in-the-box for a nasty ingrown big toenail.  Problem #1: The well-trained doctor didn’t shoot up my toe with enough lidocaine so I could still feel it when he started to surgically remove rip out part of my toe. Problem #2: I had a nauseas reaction to the pain and the extra lidocaine he was shooting into my toe almost causing me to pass out. Problem #3: After listening to a nasty storm rage throughout the entire awful procedure, I walked outside to the parking lot to find out my car had a flat tire. . . which I had to change. . . in the rain. . . standing in a puddle . . . feeling nauseas. . . with half of my big toenail missing.

In America, personal finances are rolling about as smooth as a square wheel.  Our financial tires are flat.  And to many of us, fixing the problems sound as fun as changing a tire while standing in the rain with half your big toenail ripped off.  Graciously, the Bible gives us a balanced wealth of insight to help us proceed. Understanding these biblical principles provides us with multiple spokes to help our tires role smooth.

  1. Give. Most of the teaching in the Bible about money involves glad and sacrificial giving because we are greedy and blind to our own greed. (Matthew 10:42, Acts 20:35, 2 Corinthians 8-9, 1 Timothy 6:17-19)
  2. Earn. The Bible also talks a good bit about ethical and unethical ways to work and earn money. Are you lazy? Do you run a fair business? Are you prone to taking shortcuts or looking for get-rich-quick schemes?  (Proverbs 6:6-11, Proverbs 11:1, Ephesians 4:28, 2 Thessalonians 3:10)
  3. Enjoy. God created every good thing on earth and every gift He created is designed for us to enjoy while we turn our hearts toward Him in thanks. It is right and worshipful for some of our money to buy things God has provided for us to enjoy. (Ecclesiastes 9:7-10, 1 Timothy 6:17, James 1:17)
  4. Manage.  Along with his other gifts, God gives us wisdom to wisely manage His money and to save some up for a rainy day so that we can be a blessing to others.(Genesis 41:34-36, Proverbs 21:20, Proverbs 22:7, Luke 16:10-13)
  5. Multiply.  Because all money is Gods, wise investment and multiplication reflect a heart that understands the purpose of God’s money and wants to grow His money so it can be used effectively for His kingdom and mission.(Ecclesiastes 5:13-15, Ecclesiastes 11:2, Matthew 25:14-30)

If you only understand one or a couple of these, your tires will be perpetually flat, but all together these principles work in tandem to help free us for long lasting sustainable financial health.  Give. Earn. Enjoy. Manage. Multiply.

Being Rich Towards God


The following post is a follow-up from this last Sunday's sermon, "The Longest Term Investment." Listen to the sermon


, and find out more about our Treasure Hunting series



In Luke 12:13-21, Jesus doesn’t call the rich man who bought extra storage units built bigger barns wicked. Jesus calls him a fool. And Jesus diagnoses that his problem is that he wasn’t rich towards God.

Being rich towards God is not a moral act we do. It’s a way of being. It’s an attitude and a posture where our hearts see God, consider what He’s doing in the world, and gladly move our money, possessions and energy in His direction. Being rich towards God is being wise with our money so we aren’t constantly in financial chaos. Being rich towards God is guarding ourselves from the traps of selfishness, greed and materialism. Being rich towards God is generosity with our possessions to help others have their needs met. Being rich towards God is leveraging our money, homes and energy toward mission as we help others take next steps toward Jesus.

In all of these aspects, Jesus is our perfect substitute and example.

None of us is clean when it comes to financial sin. I’m not. You’re not. We are a lot like the rich fool in Luke 12. We are excessively rich toward ourselves. We spend on our needs and wants without hesitation; on both basic necessities and on lavish luxuries. We are greedy. We take and accumulate for ourselves with little concern for other’s needs. We consistently fall into the trap that money and possessions can deliver the good life to us, and so we constantly hunger for more. But in the cross, Jesus became our greed. He became our selfishness. He became our materialism and our money idolatry in the cross (2 Cor. 5:21). Jesus paid our financial sin debt so that we could be free from the punishment we deserve for our stinginess.

Jesus succeeded in every way the rich man (and we) failed.

Rather than store up all of His wealth for Himself, Jesus gave it away. Rather than be rich towards Himself, Jesus was incredibly rich toward God. In all of history, He is the single richest-toward-God human being who has ever lived. Jesus never failed to see God or consider what God’s doing in the world. In His every waking moment, Jesus turned His life in the direction of God’s mission. He sacrificed His health, His riches in heaven, His material comfort, His high status, His power and position and He literally gave Himself up for us.

By Jesus’ richness toward God, we are saved. By His richness toward God, we are forgiven. By His richness toward God, we are washed clean. By His richness toward God, we are healed. By His richness toward God, we are set free. By His singular act of generosity in the cross, we are credited with His perfect generosity. By His poverty, we have been made spiritually rich. (2 Cor. 8:9)

And now in Jesus, we can become rich toward God like He is. We can live sacrificial and generous lives like He did. We can grow to become God’s kids who look like He does.

Jesus, help us to be wise and generous as we give more of our riches away. Amen.

Instagram Quote #1 TH
Instagram Quote #1 TH

Treasure Hunting by the Numbers


Statistically speaking, America is in a world of financial hurt. We mentioned some of these statistics on Sunday (you can listen here), but we wanted to summarize the stats and give you a numerical picture of how bad the situation really is:

  • Average American credit card debt = $7,073
  • Ignoring people with no credit card debt, the average increases to = $15,162
  • In total, American consumers owe: $846.2 billion in credit card debt.
  • In total, American consumers owe: $11.25 trillion in all types of debt.
  • This includes credit cards, mortgages, student loans, etc (source).
  • In total, as of June 3, 2012 the US outstanding national debt is $16.75 trillion (source).
  • Total personal and public debt in American is: $28 trillion.
  • Storage unit revenues for 2011 in America were $22.45 billion (source).
  • America is $28 trillion in debt and we own so much stuff that we spend an extra $22.45 billion for additional storage space over and above what our homes can handle.
  • “Financial issues are the primary reason for 90% of divorce cases I handle,” - John Thyden, prominent Washington, D.C., divorce attorney (source).
  • A study by the American Psychological Association in 2004 found that 73% of Americans listed money as the single largest cause of stress in their lives (source).

Fortunately, we are not left alone to deal with our stress. Financial wisdom is not neglected by the Bible, nor is it even a small Biblical topic.

  • Money is mentioned 2 times more than Heaven and Hell combined.
  • Money is mentioned 3 times more than love.
  • Money is mentioned 7 times more than prayer.
  • Money is mentioned in 17 of Jesus’ 38 parables.
  • 15% of Jesus’ recorded words are related to money.
  • 2,350 verses in the bible mention Money.

So let’s go treasure hunting. There is too much at stake, and Jesus has too much wisdom, freedom and life to give for us to ignore Him in our finances.

Sources: U.S. National Debt Clock, Natural Wellness, Good Housekeeping, National Christian Foundation of Indiana

Leader Meeting | A Photo Essay

Two Thursdays ago, we had a ton of fun at the Leader Meeting. At Leader Meetings, we get to coach, train, encourage, and love on our LifeGroup leaders, who are on the front lines of ministry in our church family. Those who got there early enjoyed D's Wings, boiled peanuts, Blenheim Gingerale, and IBC Root beer. While everyone was feasting, there was a photo booth and fun games like Cornhole and Jenga.

The meeting started off with a big surprise, The Harlem Shake, and if you haven't seen it yet, you can look at it here.

Harlem Shake Video

Here are a few photos from the event.


Babcock Center | Dance Party


Recently, some members our church family went to the Babcock Center to help them throw a "Dancing with the Stars" themed dance. The Babcock Center is an organization that loves, serves, and houses people with lifelong disabilities. They went all out with fancy decorations, tasty food and snacks, DJ's, and photo booths. Everyone was dressed up in fancy clothes, getting pictures taken, and dancing the night away. We love working with the Babcock Center and they love working with us too. It was so cool to see some of our LifeGroups serving together here in our city and being on mission. Here are some photos.


Outlier* E-Book


[button label="Get the e-book here" link="http://midtowncolumbia.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/03/Outlier_Ebook_Final_Version_Transparent.pdf" shape="default"]

On March 10 we begin our new series Outlier*. During the series we will be investigating Jesus' life together as a church. Because no other person has had as wide an influence of Jesus on history, no other person is as worthy of study as Jesus. Our LifeGroups will be synced up with the sermons throughout the series.

As a way to assist in the study, we've published an e-book as a companion to the series. The e-book follows along with the series week-by-week, but also provides exhaustive extra resources and material to help you and your LifeGroup dig deeper into the life of Jesus.

A couple things worth knowing about the e-book:

  • Easy-access links. Whenever you see a word underlined in red, the text acts as a link, taking you online to sources, online bibles, and additional information. Just clicking on the link in the PDF will take you to the browser on your mobile device or computer to find out more about what you're reading.
  • Interactive discussion questions. While you can print off the e-book to fill in your answers to the discussion questions, most computers will allow you to type your answers directly into the PDF. (Note: interactive questions may not work on some mobile devices.)
  • Charts and graphs. We've included some tongue-in-cheek charts at the end of each chapter to help show all the ways in which Jesus was the greatest Outlier* who ever lived.
  • Just add community. The e-book was written and published with our LifeGroups in mind. If you're not in a LifeGroup, you'll miss a lot of what the series and e-book has to offer. If you'd like to sign up for a LifeGroup, do that here.

[button label="Ready? Download the e-book here" link="http://midtowncolumbia.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/03/Outlier_Ebook_Final_Version_Transparent.pdf" shape="default"]

Text Us Any Question About Jesus


On March 10, we'll take a break from Galatians to study the life of Jesus for 4 weeks leading up to Easter Sunday, in a series called Outlier. Here's the question we're seeking to answer: how did a middle-eastern homeless man undeniably alter human history? The life of Jesus was fairly simple; he never married, never had kids, never wrote a book, and never traveled more than a few hundred miles from his hometown. Yet somehow, he has influenced, impacted and changed the course of history forever. Jesus is an outlier; a simple man with seemingly disproportional influence. Regardless of what you personally believe about him, his impact on the world is unmatched by any other figure in history.

We'll take the series to study four different aspects of Jesus life:

  • He came.
  • He lived.
  • He died.
  • He rose.

Our desire in this series is to be as helpful as possible. We won't just talk about Jesus theologically, but also historically. Who do people say Jesus is? Who did Jesus say he is? Who do you say he is?

Which leads us to ask you: what questions do you have about Jesus? What have you been dying to know about Jesus but never wanted to ask? Do you have questions about his virgin birth? Do you have questions about his life and ministry? Do you have questions about his relationship with his disciples or how he interacted with women he was friends with? Do you want to know what he looked like? Do you have questions about the reliability of scripture that mentions him?

We assure you, no question is off-limits, and we'll take time to answer as many as we can during the series.

Here's how to text in your questions:

Text OUTLIER followed by your question, to the number 411-247.

Sermon Recap | The Most Important Day of Your Marriage


For those of you who missed the sermon on Sunday, or couldn't get enough of the sermon on Sunday, here's a recap of the sermon, "The Most Important Day of Your Marriage." This sermon is the final part of our series, A Marriage You'd Actually Want. Tweetables

"Everyone thinks about the first day of marriage, but nobody thinks about the last day." http://ow.ly/f6wyK

"Every marriage ends. The question is 'how will it end?' What will be the legacy of your marriage?"http://ow.ly/f6wI7

"Marriage is temporary. It is a symbol of something that will exist fully in heaven." http://ow.ly/f6xol

"Marriage is a shadow. It points to something better and more real than itself." http://ow.ly/f6wSx

"The marriage of Christ to his Church is ultimately the marriage that we'd all actually want."http://ow.ly/f6xZb

"Don't waste your marriage. Don't spend it all thinking that it's all about you and your spouse. It's not." http://ow.ly/f6y91


Listen to the Sermon

Want to listen to the sermon? Check the links below:

[button label="Download Devine Street Audio" link="http://midtowncolumbia.com/wp-content/uploads/sermons/11112012_Devine_Adam.mp3" shape="default"]

[button label="Download Main Street Audio" link="http://midtowncolumbia.com/wp-content/uploads/sermons/11112012_Main_Luda.mp3" shape="default"]

Sermon Recap | Death by Porn


For those of you who missed the sermon on Sunday, or couldn't get enough of the sermon on Sunday, here's a recap of the sermon, "Death by Porn." This sermon is part of our series, A Marriage You'd Actually Want. Intro Video



"We don't first need rubber bands on our wrists and accountability software. We need a new heart from Jesus." bitly.com/Qt4tsL

"When you see what God offers, porn looks immeasurably dissatisfying by comparison." bitly.com/Qt4tsL

"God offers fully everything that you go to porn to gain." bitly.com/Qt4tsL

"What porn promises and never delivers, Jesus promises and delivers fully." bitly.com/Qt4tsL

"Porn promises intimacy, but actually takes away your ability to experience it." bitly.com/Qt4tsL

"The options are not a life with porn or a life without porn. The options are a life with porn or a life with God." bitly.com/Qt4tsL

"Sex within marriage trains you to be sexually addicted to your spouse. Porn trains you to be addicted to anything and anyone except your spouse." bitly.com/Qt4tsL

"Porn is training yourself to prefer what sex is not about." bitly.com/Qt4tsL

"Marriage doesn't make your lust problem better. A lust problem makes your marriage worse." bitly.com/Qt4tsL


Listen to the Sermon

Want to listen to the sermon? Check the links below:

[button label="Download Devine Street Audio" link="http://midtowncolumbia.com/wp-content/uploads/sermons/11042012_Devine_Adam.mp3" shape="default"]

[button label="Download Main Street Audio" link="http://midtowncolumbia.com/wp-content/uploads/sermons/11042012_Main_Jon.mp3" shape="default"]

College Students: Join us in Miami?

Each year, we take our college students to a major U.S. city to love and serve the people there during spring break. We announced this Sunday that this year we'll be heading to Miami, Florida. Take a look at the reveal video:


[button label="Ready to sign up? Click here" link="http://www.midtowncolumbia.com/miami" shape="default"]

Porn Sunday at the Gathering


This Sunday, we'll be talking porn at all of our Gatherings. Why devote an entire sermon to discussing porn? Frankly, because our culture is obsessed and saturated with it. In 2006, US porn revenues  were more than the revenues of professional football, baseball, and basketball franchises combined. 90% of children between ages 8 and 16 have viewed porn on the internet, and 12% of all websites are pornographic. And the stereotype that porn is only an issue for men is blatantly incorrect. A full one third of women admit to intentionally accessing internet porn and 1 in 6 women admit to "struggling with an addiction to pornography."

We assume that because we're a church, most people know that we'll say porn is bad. So we're more interested in talking about why it's bad. We'll discuss the effects of porn physically, physiologically, spiritually, and relationally.

Here's some questions we'll answer:

  • Isn't porn harmless?
  • How does porn affect a marriage?
  • How does porn affect the brain?
  • What does the bible say about porn?

We hope you'll join us this week at the Gathering as we discuss what no one wants to say about porn and what to do about it.

[button label="View Gathering times & locations" link="http://www.midtowncolumbia.com/gatherings" shape="default"]

Sermon Recap | Sexual Healing


For those of you who missed the sermon on Sunday, or couldn't get enough of the sermon on Sunday, here's a recap of the sermon, "Servant Lovers." This sermon is part of our series, A Marriage You'd Actually Want. Intro Video



"In life, pastoral ministry, and in the life of our church, almost nothing brings shame like sexual sin does." http://ow.ly/ePDwq

"Because sex is such a beautiful invention from God, sin can distort it into one of the most damaging weapons." http://ow.ly/ePDC1

"Shame is the hangover of sexual sin." http://ow.ly/ePDEN

"Sexual sin is always rooted in selfishness. Taking and consuming rather than giving and serving." http://ow.ly/ePDHs

"Jesus didn't just die for our sin. He also was killed as an innocent victim on the cross to bear all of our shame." http://ow.ly/ePDUk

"Your sin and the sin against you does not define you. It does not have the last word on your identity. Jesus does." http://ow.ly/ePE9M

Listen to the Sermon

Want to listen to the sermon? Check the links below:

[button label="Download Devine Street Audio" link="http://midtowncolumbia.com/wp-content/uploads/sermons/10282012_Devine_Alan.mp3" shape="default"]

[button label="Download Main Street Audio" link="http://midtowncolumbia.com/wp-content/uploads/sermons/10282012_Main_Luda.mp3" shape="default"]

SB2013 Blind Sign-Up


Each year on Spring Break, we head to a major U.S. city to love and serve the people, churches, and organizations there. In the past we've traveled to Chicago, D.C., Boston, Philly, & New York City. On November 4, we'll be revealing the top-secret location this year. But before we do that, we wanted to feature a special offer for those of you who are convinced that you want to go on the trip, and want to save some cash by signing up early. So here's the deal:

The first 75 students who sign up for this year's spring break mission trip will save $30 on their registration price.*

You heard us right. If you trust us enough to be willing to go to whatever city we pick, you can sign up before knowing the location, and only pay $239. The full registration price after the first 75 people sign up will be $269.

*You can secure the early bird rate of $239 by paying the full amount now, or by just paying your $99 deposit now. You don't have to pay the balance until the beginning of 2013.

Ready to go all in?

[button label="Sign up for SB2013 here" link="https://midtowncolumbia.ccbchurch.com/w_form_response.php?form_id=301" shape="default"]

Sermon Recap | Sermon Lovers


For those of you who missed the sermon on Sunday, or couldn't get enough of the sermon on Sunday, here's a recap of the sermon, "Servant Lovers." This sermon is part of our series, A Marriage You'd Actually Want. Intro Video



"The bible is probably more comfortable talking about sex than most of us are." ow.ly/eE0Lp

"Almost everybody knows God's rules about sex, but almost nobody knows the glorious reasons that he has them." ow.ly/eE0NZ

"Sex is a physical picture of the marriage covenant that communicates 'all of me belongs to all of you, forever." ow.ly/eE0Q8

"Since sex is a picture of oneness, sex outside of marriage is not just wrong, it's a lie." ow.ly/eE0Su

"Sex is the physical expression of the covenant of marriage." ow.ly/eE0TT

"Sex is a picture that points to the union between Christ and his Church in heaven." ow.ly/eE0Vp

"Sin is always the problem in sex. You don't primarily need better technique. You need Jesus." ow.ly/eE0X2

"Until Jesus is in view and we see our need for him, we can't even see the goodness that sex was meant to be." ow.ly/eE0Y5

Listen to the Sermon

Want to listen to the sermon? Check the links below:

[button label="Download Devine Street Audio" link="http://midtowncolumbia.com/wp-content/uploads/sermons/10212012_Devine_Adam.mp3" shape="default"]

[button label="Download Main Street Audio" link="http://midtowncolumbia.com/wp-content/uploads/sermons/10212012_Main_Jon.mp3" shape="default"]

Let's Talk about Sex | The Next 3 Weeks


In the next three weeks of our series, A Marriage You'd Actually Want, we'll be talking about the subject of sex in various capacities. This Sunday will be on the topic of Servant Lovers, where we'll discuss how selflessness factors in to a healthy sex life in marriage. Next Sunday, we'll be talking about how to deal with sexual sin and sexual assault. And the third week, we'll discuss the realities of pornography and what to do about it. For more information about each week, check our series page. We wanted to prepare people for these weeks, since sex is not something that is discussed with a great deal of honesty in the church at large. We also wanted to take some time and answer some questions you might have about those weeks:

Why take three weeks to talk about sex?

First of all, because the bible has lots to say on the topic. Second of all, because sex is an important part of marriage. So to do a marriage series that didn't talk about sex would be a little silly. And thirdly, because our culture has a lot to say about sex. Things are being communicated about sex through movies, music, and in daily conversations, so it's important that we bring a biblical perspective to see what Jesus and the Bible have to say on the subject.

Will the content be unsafe for children to hear?

We will be talking candidly about sex during all three weeks. We won't be crude, but we will be honest and direct. What you allow your kids to hear is ultimately your choice as a parent. We offer Kidtown for kids 5th grade and under during our 9:00am, 11:15am, and 5:00pm Gatherings. If you're uncomfortable with your kid attending one of these weeks, you can take them to Kidtown. If your child is in middle school and you're uncomfortable with them hearing about sex, we would suggest that they probably already have heard about it. So having them hear a biblical perspective on things may actually be extremely helpful.

What if I'm single?

A lot of single people dread hearing sermons about sex, because generally speaking, there's less to apply. We would encourage single people to attend all three weeks. The last two weeks on sexual sin/assault and porn will be just as applicable to single people as they are to married people. This coming week on sex within marriage is simply important because everyone has a perspective on sex and it's purpose, so seeing what the Bible says about it is a good idea for single people and married people alike.

Want an idea of what we'll be talking about? Listen to "Sex," a sermon from our series, God, Sex & Romance, from a couple years ago.

Sermon Recap | The Only Reason a Marriage Fails


For those of you who missed the sermon on Sunday, or couldn't get enough of the sermon on Sunday, here's a recap of the sermon, "The Only Reason a Marriage Fails." This sermon is part of our series, A Marriage You'd Actually Want. Intro Video



"Sin is the only reason a marriage fails. Sin enters the relationship, and people don't know what to do with it." http://bit.ly/OEPjiY

"Adam blame-shifted his sin in the garden, and spouses have been blame-shifting their sin ever since." http://bit.ly/OEPjiY

"Apart from Jesus, you will either take revenge on other people's sin or sweep it under the rug. Neither one helps." http://bit.ly/OEPjiY

"The cross of Jesus allows us to take sin seriously, while still extending forgiveness and grace." http://bit.ly/OEPjiY

"A sinful response to sin is still sin." http://bit.ly/OEPjiY

"Your spouse doesn't make you sin; they only expose the sin that was already there." http://bit.ly/OEPjiY

"When you own your sin and treat it as the primary problem in your marriage, conflict starts melting away." http://bit.ly/OEPjiY

"You do damage to your marriage and confuse your spouse if you only confess sin and never repent of it." http://bit.ly/OEPjiY

Listen to the Sermon

Want to listen to the sermon? Check the links below:

[button label="Download Devine Street Audio" link="http://midtowncolumbia.com/wp-content/uploads/sermons/10142012_Devine_Adam.mp3" shape="default"]

[button label="Download Main Street Audio" link="http://midtowncolumbia.com/wp-content/uploads/sermons/10142012_Main_Alan.mp3" shape="default"]

Sermon Recap | Love the One You're With


For those of you who missed the sermon on Sunday, or couldn't get enough of the sermon on Sunday, here's a recap of tweetables from the sermon, "Love the One You're With." This sermon is part of our series, A Marriage You'd Actually Want. Intro Video



"Stop focusing so much on finding the right person, and start focusing on being the right person." http://bit.ly/OieO9n

"Warning: you are not ANYONE'S fantasy spouse. So quit looking for your fantasy spouse." http://bit.ly/OieO9n

"God doesn't give Adam options to choose from. He gives Adam a spouse." http://bit.ly/OieO9n

"Your spouse is your standard. Love the one you're with." http://bit.ly/OieO9n

"There has to be room in your marriage for your spouse to have weakness." http://bit.ly/OieO9n

"Jesus loves you right now. Not future, when-you-get-it-together you. But right now, despite-all-your-weaknesses you." http://bit.ly/OieO9n

"To love the one you're with, you have to grasp--not just know--the love Christ has for you." http://bit.ly/OieO9n

Listen to the Sermon

Want to listen to the sermon? Check the links below:

[button label="Download Devine Street Audio" link="http://midtowncolumbia.com/wp-content/uploads/sermons/10072012_Devine_Adam.mp3" shape="default"]

[button label="Download Main Street Audio" link="http://midtowncolumbia.com/wp-content/uploads/sermons/10072012_Main_Jon.mp3" shape="default"]

Sermon Recap | What Your Annoying Aunt Doesn't Realize


For those of you who missed the sermon on Sunday, or couldn't get enough of the sermon on Sunday, here's a recap of tweetables from the sermon, "What Your Annoying Aunt Doesn't Realize." This sermon is part of our series, A Marriage You'd Actually Want. Intro Video



"We are all designed to put the gospel on display. Whether you're married or single, you have an opportunity to do that." #marriage

"Don't just ask if you should be married or single. Ask WHY you want to be married or single." #marriage

"People look to marriage to answer the question 'does anyone want me?' In the cross, that question has already been answered."#marriage

"Our identity is not in our earthly family. Our identity is in being a part of God's family. So marriage is optional." #marriage

"Whether you're single or married, a spouse doesn't complete you. Jesus does." #marriage

Listen to the Sermon Want to listen to the sermon? Check the links below:

[button label="Download Devine Street Audio" link="http://midtowncolumbia.com/wp-content/uploads/sermons/09302012_Devine_Alan.mp3" shape="default"]

[button label="Download Earlewood Audio" link="http://midtowncolumbia.com/wp-content/uploads/sermons/09302012_Earlewood_John.mp3" shape="default"]