Porn Sunday at the Gathering | Midtown Fellowship: Downtown in Columbia, SC | Church in Columbia, South Carolina

Porn Sunday at the Gathering


This Sunday, we'll be talking porn at all of our Gatherings. Why devote an entire sermon to discussing porn? Frankly, because our culture is obsessed and saturated with it. In 2006, US porn revenues  were more than the revenues of professional football, baseball, and basketball franchises combined. 90% of children between ages 8 and 16 have viewed porn on the internet, and 12% of all websites are pornographic. And the stereotype that porn is only an issue for men is blatantly incorrect. A full one third of women admit to intentionally accessing internet porn and 1 in 6 women admit to "struggling with an addiction to pornography."

We assume that because we're a church, most people know that we'll say porn is bad. So we're more interested in talking about why it's bad. We'll discuss the effects of porn physically, physiologically, spiritually, and relationally.

Here's some questions we'll answer:

  • Isn't porn harmless?
  • How does porn affect a marriage?
  • How does porn affect the brain?
  • What does the bible say about porn?

We hope you'll join us this week at the Gathering as we discuss what no one wants to say about porn and what to do about it.

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