Text Us Any Question About Jesus | Midtown Fellowship: Downtown in Columbia, SC | Church in Columbia, South Carolina

Text Us Any Question About Jesus


On March 10, we'll take a break from Galatians to study the life of Jesus for 4 weeks leading up to Easter Sunday, in a series called Outlier. Here's the question we're seeking to answer: how did a middle-eastern homeless man undeniably alter human history? The life of Jesus was fairly simple; he never married, never had kids, never wrote a book, and never traveled more than a few hundred miles from his hometown. Yet somehow, he has influenced, impacted and changed the course of history forever. Jesus is an outlier; a simple man with seemingly disproportional influence. Regardless of what you personally believe about him, his impact on the world is unmatched by any other figure in history.

We'll take the series to study four different aspects of Jesus life:

  • He came.
  • He lived.
  • He died.
  • He rose.

Our desire in this series is to be as helpful as possible. We won't just talk about Jesus theologically, but also historically. Who do people say Jesus is? Who did Jesus say he is? Who do you say he is?

Which leads us to ask you: what questions do you have about Jesus? What have you been dying to know about Jesus but never wanted to ask? Do you have questions about his virgin birth? Do you have questions about his life and ministry? Do you have questions about his relationship with his disciples or how he interacted with women he was friends with? Do you want to know what he looked like? Do you have questions about the reliability of scripture that mentions him?

We assure you, no question is off-limits, and we'll take time to answer as many as we can during the series.

Here's how to text in your questions:

Text OUTLIER followed by your question, to the number 411-247.
