Life of David

Life of David


We often prop David up as a great hero of faith. When in reality, he was a regular person just like you and me. He trusted God and God did mighty things through him, yet he also ignored God and failed miserably. Whether you’re a long-time Jesus-follower or you think you’re too far away from Him, David’s life will have something to say to you.

For this series, we hope your trust in God matures and you are moved towards God's steadfast love as we dig into both the victories and defeats of David.


To help facilitate LifeGroup discussion, we'll be posting resources for each week of the series.

Week 1: David and the Crown (Sermon) (LifeGroup Guide) (Scripture Guide)

Week 2: David and Jonathan (Sermon) (LifeGroup Guide) (Kids’ LifeGroup Guide) (Scripture Guide)

Week 3: David and Saul (Sermon) (LifeGroup Guide) (Kids’ LifeGroup Guide) (Scripture Guide)

Week 4: David and Bathsheba (Sermon) (LifeGroup Guide) (Kid's’ LifeGroup Guide)

Week 5: David and Nathan (Sermon) (LifeGroup Guide) (Kids’ LifeGroup Guide)

Week 6: David and His Children (Sermon) (LifeGroup Guide) (Kids’ LifeGroup Guide)

Week 7: David’s Inner Life (Sermon) (LifeGroup Guide) (Kids’ LifeGroup Guide)


To view more reading recommendations, go to our online bookstore.

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As God’s people, we want to be guided by His Word and empowered by His Spirit to fuel us to be a Jesus-centered family on mission. Our reading plan will help ground you in God’s Word and give you daily prayer prompts to better prepare your heart for the teaching you’ll hear on Sundays.

Click here to download/print our entire Life of David Reading Plan.