Belief — Series | Midtown Fellowship: Downtown in Columbia, SC | Church in Columbia, South Carolina


Why I'm a Christian


The Christian faith is not a blind faith, but a rational faith that transforms what we believe about ourselves and the world around us. For this series, we’ll look at the evidence for the Christian faith to equip us as a church to be on mission.

During the Why I'm a Christian series, we want to know the concepts and ideas you that you wrestle with the most. If you have a question, text "DOWNTOWN" followed by your question to 91011. On the final week of this series, we'll choose a few of the texts we've received to discuss and answer. We hope that through this Q&A time, we'll provide further insight and substance to our faith in Jesus Christ.

For this series we’ve created a website full of helpful books, videos and articles. Check them out at


To help facilitate LifeGroup discussion, we'll be posting resources for each week of the series.

Week 1: God (Sermon) (LifeGroup Guide) (Kids’ LifeGroup Guide)

Week 2: Jesus (Sermon) (LifeGroup Guide) (Kids’ LifeGroup Guide)

Week 3: The Bible (Sermon) (LifeGroup Guide) (Kids’ LifeGroup Guide)

Week 4: Doubting Your Doubts (Sermon) (LifeGroup Guide) (Kid's’ LifeGroup Guide)

Week 5: Q & A (Sermon) (LifeGroup Guide) (Kids’ LifeGroup Guide)