Blog | Midtown Fellowship: Downtown in Columbia, SC | Church in Columbia, South Carolina

Gathering Recap | 7.5.15


Rock of Ages by Page CXVII

How Deep the Father’s Love by The Dispatch

My Worth Is Not In What I Own by Keith and Krista Getty

I Will Exalt You by Hillsong

Father You Are All We Need by Citizens and Saints

Sermon Tweets:

Our worry reveals what we treasure.

Our anxiety is proportionate to how fragile our treasure is.

Jesus never says not to worry because there’s nothing to worry about. He says not to worry because we have a Father.

The only way to eliminate your worry is to transfer your treasure.

Our anxiety is proportionate to how much of our treasure is on earth.


Gathering Recap | 6.28.15


In Christ Alone by Mars Hill

Father You Are All We Need by Citizens and Saints

My Worth Is Not In What I Own by Keith and Krista Getty

Take The World by Ascend the Hill

Be Thou My Vision by Ascend the Hill

Sermon Tweets:

If you’re not actively fighting against greed, you’re probably guilty of it.

More stuff doesn’t equal more life.

Biblically, being rich isn’t sinful–it’s dangerous.

We’ve got to stop convincing ourselves that we’re not greedy just because we don’t feel greedy.

Money can’t keep its promises.

God controls the universe–money only claims to.


Gathering Recap | 6.14.15


How Great Thou Art by Citizens and Saints

Nothing But the Blood by Citizens and Saints

White as Snow by The Modern Post

Rock of Ages by Page CXVI

Sermon Tweets:

There is a way to keep God’s law exactly without obeying him at all.

Hypocritical people make hypocritical disciples.

The frequency at which we are offended can be a good indicator of how religious we are.

Let's not just make sure other people obey, let's help them obey.

Hypocrites have a habit of silencing any voices other than their own.

Confession is the only antidote for hypocrisy.


Gathering Recap | 6.7.15


Made Alive by Citizens

Grace Alone by Dustin Kensrue

God is Good by Dustin Kensrue

Sermon Tweets:

There's more to unbelief than a lack of evidence.

There's always a motive behind our doubt.

There's a reason we don't believe–we don't want to.

Sin makes all of us biased against Jesus.

Behind every doubt is a belief.

We must question doubts like we question beliefs, because doubts are really beliefs in disguise.

Let's not start by arguing at a head level; let's start by engaging at a heart level.


Gathering Recap | 5.31.15


How Great Thou Art by Citizens and Saints

By His Grace by The Dispatch

Come Thou Fount by Kings Kaleidoscope

Sermon Tweets:

As Christians, we have a spiritual war-time mentality.

When we correctly see life as war, apathy dies.

God’s kingdom looks like people relating to God as their Father.

God’s kingdom coming looks like people changing what they worship.

God’s kingdom coming looks like people depending on God.

God’s kingdom coming looks like people who see their sin.

God’s kingdom coming looks like people who forgive others’ sin.

God’s kingdom looks like people who fight their sin.

Gathering Recap | Downtown | 5.17.15


Grace Alone by Dustin Kensrue

How Deep The Father's Love For Us by The Dispatch

By His Grace by The Dispatch

Just As I Am by The Modern Post

Sermon Tweets:

Instead of starting by doing, Jesus encourages his disciples to start by praying.

Prayer is the fuel for the mission.

Mission is a "we" thing, not just an "I" thing.

Get in the practice of asking with your LifeGroup: "who are we building with and how can we pray for them?"

Gathering Recap | Downtown | 5.3.15


In Tenderness by Citizens and Saints

Come Thou Fount by King's Kaleidoscope

Fix My Eyes by King's Kaleidoscope

Take The World by Ascend The Hill

Sermon Tweets:

Jesus’ path to greatness is altogether different than the rest of the world’s.

Jesus isn’t interested in making a slick sales pitch.

Jesus regularly rejects the world’s system of influence to spread his kingdom.

The primary ways by which God’s mission advances are suffering and humble sacrifice.

Throughout all of time, God’s kingdom has advanced by his people dying and dying to self.

God loves to move through the consistent sacrifices of his people.

When we sacrifice, we look remarkably like Jesus.

Jesus will never ask us to sacrifice more than he already has.

Gathering Recap | Downtown | 4. 26.15


Hail The King by Citizens and Saints

God Is Good by Dustin Kensrue

In Christ Alone by King's Kaleidoscope

Father You Are All We Need by Citizens and Saints

Sermon Tweets:

When we're actively feasting on Jesus, then we can't help but want others to come feast at the table too.

Because consumerism flows out of emptiness, we'll never be free until we're full of something better.

Gathering Recap | Downtown | 3.22.15


Before The Throne by The Modern Post

God Is Good by Dustin Kensrue

Rock Of Ages by Page CXVI

All I Have Is Christ by Summit Worship

Sermon Tweets:

Jesus has better plans than us running around terrified of being known by others.

Jesus wants far more for us than just our physical healing.

In the midst of your suffering, God sees you.

Jesus walks with us in our suffering so that we can walk with others in theirs.

In the midst of others’ suffering, the gospel helps us say “I can’t fix it, but I can be with you in it.”

We are comforted to be comforters to others.

Gathering Recap | Downtown | 3.15.15


In Tenderness by Citizens And Saints

Hail the King by Citizens And Saints

Rejoice by Dustin Kensrue

Father You Are All We Need by Citizens And Saints

Fix My Eyes by King's Kaleidoscope

Sermon Tweets:

When we conclude that someone must have “deserved” their suffering, we are ascribing to karma, not Christianity.

If we are here as a result of godless evolution, suffering is no more than the universe weeding out the weak.

Maybe a good question to ask is “how terrible would life be if God always gave us what we deserved?”

Perhaps more dangerous than suffering is the idleness of the soul that comes from the absence of suffering at all.

There’s a way to ask questions of God that are actually accusing God.

Gathering Recap | Downtown |3.1.15


All Creatures by King's Kaleidoscope

Praise To The Lord by Citizens

White As Snow by Jon Foreman

Take The World by Ascend The Hill

Sermon Tweets:

Sex is designed to communicate “I do, forever,” not “you’ll do, for now.”

Seeing sex as an appetite to be fed leads to seeing human as objects to be consumed.

All of us long to be fully known and fully loved. Sex outside of covenant is a cheap substitution for that.

We don’t look at porn for just physical pleasure. We look at porn because we want to be wanted.

Despite emotional arguments to the contrary, our casual view of sex has cause more damage than it has “helped.”

We have believed the lie that sex is simultaneously the ultimate source of meaning and meaningless at the same time.