gatherings — Blog | Midtown Fellowship: Downtown in Columbia, SC | Church in Columbia, South Carolina


Gathering Recap | 5.31.15


How Great Thou Art by Citizens and Saints

By His Grace by The Dispatch

Come Thou Fount by Kings Kaleidoscope

Sermon Tweets:

As Christians, we have a spiritual war-time mentality.

When we correctly see life as war, apathy dies.

God’s kingdom looks like people relating to God as their Father.

God’s kingdom coming looks like people changing what they worship.

God’s kingdom coming looks like people depending on God.

God’s kingdom coming looks like people who see their sin.

God’s kingdom coming looks like people who forgive others’ sin.

God’s kingdom looks like people who fight their sin.

Gathering Recap | Downtown | 5.17.15


Grace Alone by Dustin Kensrue

How Deep The Father's Love For Us by The Dispatch

By His Grace by The Dispatch

Just As I Am by The Modern Post

Sermon Tweets:

Instead of starting by doing, Jesus encourages his disciples to start by praying.

Prayer is the fuel for the mission.

Mission is a "we" thing, not just an "I" thing.

Get in the practice of asking with your LifeGroup: "who are we building with and how can we pray for them?"