super bowl — Blog | Midtown Fellowship: Downtown in Columbia, SC | Church in Columbia, South Carolina

super bowl

Our Super Bowl Plans

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As you may or may not have heard, we will not be hosting our 5:00pm evening Gathering for our Downtown church on Sunday, February 4 because of the Super Bowl. We do this in order to remind ourselves that church is more than a service you attend, and we want to give everyone an opportunity to be on mission during the big game. Since watching the Super Bowl is an event that so many people in our culture participate in, we want to free ourselves up to use that as an opportunity to watch the game alongside them. So this Sunday, attend either our 9:00am or 11:15am Gathering, and then choose one of the following:

  1. Host a Super Bowl party. The bible is clear that Christians should be the most hospitable people on earth in light of the fact that Jesus welcomed all of us into his family (Romans 12:13; Hebrews 13:2; 1 Peter 4:9; Romans 15:7). The Super Bowl is one of the easiest times of year to be hospitable, since so many people watch it already. Buy some good food and drinks, get some friends to come and do the same, turn on the TV, and invite your neighbors over to your house for the big game.
  2. Attend a Super Bowl party. Jesus was big on going to parties. He was in attendance in so many parties that he was known as the man who "came eating and drinking" with people (Matthew 11:19; Luke 15:2; Mark 2:16; Matthew 9:11). Imitate Jesus and go to a Super Bowl party (bonus points if you attend a party you were actually invited to).
  3. Help us throw a Super Bowl party at Transitions. As one of our Serve the City partnerships, we're continuing our annual tradition of throwing a Super Bowl party for people transitioning out of homelessness together with Transitions. Find out more and sign up to help here.

Whatever you do for the Super Bowl, don't come to our 5:00pm Gathering. You'll be alone!

Our 2014 Super Bowl Plans


As you may or may not have heard, we will not be hosting any evening Gatherings on Sunday, February 2 because of the Super Bowl. We do this in order to remind ourselves that church is more than a service you attend, and to give everyone an opportunity to be on mission during the big game. Since watching the Super Bowl is an event that so many people in our culture participate in, we want to free ourselves up to use that as an opportunity to watch the big game alongside them.

So this Sunday, attend either our 9:00am or 11:15am Gathering at Devine Street, and then choose one of the following:

  1. Host a Super Bowl party. The bible is clear that Christians should be the most hospitable people on earth in light of the fact that Jesus welcomed all of us into his family (Romans 12:13; Hebrews 13:2; 1 Peter 4:9; Romans 15:7). The Super Bowl is one of the easiest times of year to be hospitable, since so many people watch it already. Buy some good food and drinks, get some friends to come and do the same, turn on the TV, and invite people to your house for the game.
  2. Attend a Super Bowl party. Jesus was big on going to parties. He was in attendance in so many parties that he was known as the man who "came eating and drinking" with people (Matthew 11:19; Luke 15:2; Mark 2:16; Matthew 9:11). Imitate Jesus and go to a Superbowl party (bonus points if you attend a party you were actually invited to).

Whatever you do for the Super Bowl, don't come to our 5:00pm or 7:00pm Gathering. You'll be alone!