study guide — Blog | Midtown Fellowship: Downtown in Columbia, SC | Church in Columbia, South Carolina

study guide

A Guide to The Good Life


This Sunday, we'll begin our new series on the book of Ecclesiastes, The Good Life. To find out more about the series, visit our series page.

To help equip you to study the series with us, we've published a book called A Guide to The Good Life. Included in the book are weekly study guides to accompany each week of the series, LifeGroup guides with discussion questions, 40 daily devotionals, and a family activity guide to help teach your children about Ecclesiastes.

We're making a physical copy of the book available at our Gatherings beginning this Sunday, but we wanted to go ahead and release digital copies for anyone wanting to get a head start on the series.

Below are PDF and EPUB versions of A Guide to the Good Life. Not familiar with EPUBs? Find out more here.

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Live out of town and want a physical copy of the book? Buy one for $6.99 on Amazon.