running — Blog | Midtown Fellowship: Downtown in Columbia, SC | Church in Columbia, South Carolina


Discussion Questions | What Helps Me Run?


In this Sunday's sermon, resident and pastor-in-training Ryan Rike discussed the ideas of mortification and vivification. Below you will find questions to help you and your LifeGroup discuss and apply the sermon:

  • How is your relationship with Jesus? What has God been teaching you throughout the Abide series? In what ways are you faithfully implementing these things into your life?
  • Read Hebrews 12:1-2. What are sins in your life that you need to mortify (put to death)? What are neutral things in your life that distract and steal your love for Jesus? How do you need to be careful with these issues? What limits and boundaries should you put on them?
  • What things grow your love for Jesus and you need to vivify them (feed, give life)? How can you carve out time, energy and resources for these things? How do you need to protect against using the idea of vivification as camouflage for selfishness?
  • How can we help each other in this effort?