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Discussion Questions | How to Absorb the Bible


On Sunday, we talked about 9 questions to ask as we read and interact with the Bible to help us interpret the meaning of the text and apply that to our lives.

  1. Who is speaking?
  2. Who is listening?
  3. What is said right before and after?
  4. What is the genre?
  5. What do other scriptures say?
  6. What do other Christians say?
  7. How does the finished work of Jesus impact this?
  8. In light of #1-7, what does the text mean?
  9. How does this apply to me?

Which of these 9 questions stood out as the most helpful to you or ? Which of these 9 questions have you struggled with in the past?

Why are these 9 questions important? Have you ever seen the negative affect of not answering these questions about a passage?

Read Matthew 13:1-9

How able are you to answer the 9 questions about this text? Which ones do you need help with?

What kind of soil are you?

What confession and repentance do you need to take towards being healthy soil?

What kind of soil are the people around you (family, LifeGroup, community)?

How do you need to pray and encourage those around you to become healthier soil?