Questions — Blog | Midtown Fellowship: Downtown in Columbia, SC | Church in Columbia, South Carolina


Theology of Sex | Q & A Part 1

During the Q & A session at our Downtown church this past Sunday, we answered the following question:

“When Jesus came he kinda did away with our ties to legalism and the old law. How did that not include homosexuality? I'm not bound by the Old Testament dietary restrictions- how is homosexuality different?”

One of our pastors, Allen Tipping, did a great job quickly answering the question by discussing the different types of the law and how Christians interact with each of those types of the law in light of the gospel. The ceremonial or clean laws as well as the sacrificial laws have been so absolutely fulfilled in the sacrificial atonement that Jesus offers us as a free gift in the cross, that we don’t abide by these parts of the law anymore. We honor their essence by symbolically remembering Jesus’ sacrifice and expiation (washing that he gives to us) by taking communion.

The moral law is different in that, while it also has been fulfilled completely by Jesus, the moral law has other purposes than just foreshadowing how Jesus would die to cleanse us. It also helps to restrain sin, expose our sin, and leads us to our need for Jesus. And even when we know Jesus, the moral law continues to guide us in the paths of righteousness. When we know we are saved by grace, the moral law becomes a joy and a delight that leads us into the fullness of how God designed humans to live in order to maximize human flourishing.

We also told you that we wanted to make two sermons we’ve done in the past easily available. We think these sermons will help you think more deeply on these issues.

Curses and the Cross (from the Galatians: Religion Ruins Everything series). The specifically helpful portion of this sermon for this question starts around 34 minutes, but if you have time to listen to the whole thing it will give you more context.

Gospel and Homosexuality (Standalone sermon)

Bonus sermon if you’re extra motivated.

The Purpose of the Law (from the Galatians: Religion Ruins Everything series.)

You can view or listen to the entire Q & A session below. You can text any questions you may have about the series, sex, or gender to 91011 with the keyword DOWNTOWN. 

Theology of Sex | Q & A Part 1
Jon Ludovina, Allen Tipping, Tiffany Beaver