I'm Ready to be Generous...Now What?


The following post is part of our Treasure Hunting series. Find out more about our Treasure Hunting series here.

In the final sermon of our Treasure Hunting series, Adam talked about how the purpose of our money is to help people see Jesus. In addition, throughout the series, we've been praying together as a church that Jesus would help us to be wise and generous as we give more of our riches away.

We've already heard some great stories about how Jesus has used the series to challenge people to more generosity. But in addition, there may be some of us who are thinking: "okay, I'm ready to be generous...who do I give to?"

To help, we wanted to compile a list of organizations (both international and local) that are doing incredible work. This, of course, is nowhere close to a comprehensive list--just some organizations we know about and love.


The following are organizations in and around Columbia:


The following are organizations around the globe: