Discussion Questions | Fellowship | Midtown Fellowship: Downtown in Columbia, SC | Church in Columbia, South Carolina

Discussion Questions | Fellowship


This week's sermon discussed how fellowship–the practice of spending time together with other believers–helps us to abide in and enjoy God. To listen to the sermon, visit our series page. Below are questions to help as you discuss and apply the sermon with your LifeGroup:

  • How has Jesus used community to help you grow and mature in your walk with Him? (Feel free to help each other remember these times.)
  • Have you ever experienced hurt in community in the past?  If so, how does this cause you to struggle with community now?
  • Read Hebrews 10:19-23. How does the gospel unite us at a deeper level than any differences that would normally divide us?
  • What are the advantages to walking through life with people who are different than you in personality, past experiences, interests, etc.?
  • What is uncomfortable about walking with people who are different than you? How does Jesus want to use this discomfort to help you grow?
  • Read Hebrews 10:24-25. When in your life are you most tempted to retreat and neglect meeting together with people who love Jesus and love you?
  • What if any areas of your life are you living and thinking like an “I” instead of like a “we”?  (major life decisions, sin struggles, doubts, aspirations, marriage, parenting, dating, etc.)
  • How can you repent and bring community into these areas?
  • Take some time as a group to take community together. Remember that Jesus’ death in the cross dealt with the sin that comes between us so we can be family together. Take time as a group to confess and/or confront sin that is coming between your relationships and be reconciled before taking communion.